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Wedding shaming

By soccerbooty - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend started to plan our wedding. He included a clown. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 473
You deserved it 8 300

Top comments

Ok, clearly this guy is a mastermind. To get out of having to plan a wedding and (possibly) deal with a bridezilla, he gets a clown??? Absolute genius.


kidsanchez1 4

well atleast he's thinking outside the box

it's a stripper.... a clown stripper ;)

it just had to be a clown didn't it? it couldn't be anything else in the world! it had to be a f***ing clown!!! -boom, kachink, boom!- double tap. old is your boyfriend?!

superbadd 0

that's how he tells u he's not ready for marriage....

KiddNYC1O 20

15- yes they are 45- kool bong lol

ah that's kinda weird...he should have asked the bride first...Maybe you can change his mind :)

wait he was probably kidding! you said boyfriend, not fiancé

Dude, who wouldn't want a clown? OP's bf knows how to have a good wedding. /sarcasm/

oogyboogy 6

aren't the brides supposed to plan the wedding

Wait… Boyfriend and NOT fiancé? 

IchbinSyn 0

Are there going to be a lot of kids there?? Maybe a distraction for then so the adults can have more fun ?

that would be awesome, if I didn't hate clowns

TheGuyPersonDude 0

what he didn't tell you is he's also the preist

noboundary 9

lmfao! #21 zombieland FTW!!!

The1AndAnonymous 2

21 zombieland reference win!

that's ****** hilarious. roflmfao. dude is ma hero.

can I come? haha kidding clowns are friken scarey as hell :S

why is this an fml. you're gonna have an awesome wedding

sukhdeep 4

heyy thanks I'm gonna do that for my wedding

#91 that's what I was thinking.!.!. llike who DOESN'T want a clown:))

FIRST!!!!! I don't see the fml clowns are awesome

isn't it anoying wen people say First!!!! but then there not even first

it is I have failed at being first lol 

ahh thats kinda weird...he should have asked the bride first...maybe you can change his mind :)

I'm a part time clown, yea clowns are cool

littlemissdqgirl 8

99 normally yes, but not always. My fiancé is doing a lot of our wedding planning:/

I know this is late, but, 21 is a epic win for referring to Zombieland.

So? Clowns are awesome! Damn anti flood.

oogyboogy 6

95 may I say your a creeeeeeep

LOL he chose to reconnect with his inner child on your wedding day???

Ok, clearly this guy is a mastermind. To get out of having to plan a wedding and (possibly) deal with a bridezilla, he gets a clown??? Absolute genius.

RyGuy748 0

yes!!!! that's gonna be an awesome wedding! clowns ftw

toddin 7

Fun... clowns are terrifying...