Three's a crowd

By Kimberlie - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out why my boyfriend wouldn't let me move into his new apartment with him. It turns out his other girlfriend had already moved in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 080
You deserved it 4 969

Top comments

m1ssophiebee 0

i hope he isn't your boyfriend anymore

xMexicanXJesusx 0

I'm so sorry :( :( :( He doesn't deserve you!!!


xMexicanXJesusx 0

I'm so sorry :( :( :( He doesn't deserve you!!!

I'm actually just curious as to how he thought he was gonna pull this off...??

29 he probably just didn't care about losing OP and figured he could keep her around for extra sex when he wanted it lol

29, the OPs boyfriend is living the Charlie Sheen lifestyle. Winning.

m1ssophiebee 0

i hope he isn't your boyfriend anymore

xxkitsumoxx 0

m1ssophebie yur sexy. hope that made yur day

rosha267 21

Why does it seem like girls never know they're the other woman? When it's so painfully obvious to everyone else...

iheartprinceroyc 4

tht happen to me bt I finally open my eyes wen it comes to love and boys

...spelling and grammar, on the other hand...

I believe you mean to say Ex-boyfriend, OP.

cloudy01 0

I agree. They just want our sympathy, but really it's their fault for going out with a douche.

It is not her fault for trusting the person she loves. No one, and I really mean no one, deserves to be treated like this. How could she have known he was a "douche"? Some people hide their horrible sides really well- I would know. She probably thought he was a good guy because he acted like a good guy, but now as it turns out he isn't. It's not her fault that he's a dick.

Oh, come on! Stop being an apologist. Unless you are just really stupid and gullible, I bet you ten to one there were signs way before now that her boyfriend was a douche. They aren't hard to spot and nobody can hide it that well.

rosha267 21

There are ALWAYS signs when you're the other woman and not the main girl.

31 in most cases many signs are present of a person being this way EVEN if they hide it well... this is why you pay attention to what other people tell you about a guy because I'm betting a lot of people that OP knows were telling her about his bad qualities but she was blinded by emotions so she didn't take it into consideration... Im not saying she should of fully committed to what other people were possibly saying but she should of at least acknowledged it some...

No, there are not always signs. I have been cheated on as well, and I can assure you that every case is not the same. Some guys are clumsy in hiding their "other lives" while some are very skilled and can play you into thinking you're the "only one" for a very long time, you may possibly never find out. Unless she was paranoid and suspicious to begin with she most likely wouldn't have suspected anything, obviously it was a surprise to her so he did a good job of keeping his affair secret. If, though, she had been a paranoid and suspicious girlfriend, I'm sure you'd condemn her for that too. If a girl suspects her boyfriend is cheating on her and goes through his email or follows him around, she's a nosy, controlling bitch. If a girl doesn't suspect her boyfriend is cheating but then by surprise discovers that he is, she's an unintelligent and undeserving ****. How does that work?

*55 you're jumping from one extreme to the other... I said "in most cases" signs are present... that means that generally most of the time you will be able to tell... now sure you have rare occurrences where someone is very skilled at hiding their other lives like you said but that's rare in my opinion... but that's just another reason why I said "in most cases" I was acknowledging that fact that you pointed out

yes but in those cases wouldn't we be talking about the main girl as oposed to the other woman? simply hideing the fact that you are cheating is (sadly) pretty easy. hideing that you have an actual real girlfriend you are closer to and that you are simply some extra on the side.... that's ******* hard. i'm not saying nobody can pull it off but only the best can.

the attention span of a rodent. nice

hippiechick91 0

Ydi for posting such an over used topic and for not noticing that you are the other woman. These sort of fmls are way too overrated

Another FML were the boyfriend has already a girlfriend/wife? That's the tirth one in a week. Sometimes I wonder how it can be that you would not notice that...Do all the OP's from those FML's see their (cheating) boyfriends not often enough so that he has time to have another woman? Haven't they all visit his home yet? I mean, how difficult is it to hide another girlfriend?

apparently it's not difficult at all.

cptmorgan15 2

I could have sworn I've seen you correct grammar before.

GoodLookingGeese 10

answering DjeePee: it's not hard - you just have to be well organized.. ;)

ninjacosby 0

hey 32 semper fi and I hate this girl she is such a hyprocrite

Who the hell is moderating this chit?! It's like once a day another cheating FML.