By Anonymous - 24/02/2013 01:47 - United States - Gonzales
Same thing different taste
Bad omen
By Anonymous - 30/12/2021 02:01
Nice guy
By Catherine - 13/05/2021 11:01
By Anonymous - 27/12/2010 17:53 - Canada
Thanks Texas
By Anonymous - 16/09/2021 10:59
By mommy2004 - 18/07/2023 03:00
Stand up for yourself
By eff that asshole! - 26/06/2022 00:01
By Anonymous - 31/08/2022 06:00
By cchandler - 23/09/2009 01:10 - United States
He prefers the dog
By Anonymous - 19/11/2019 14:00
By Xbieblette51 - 19/08/2014 22:30 - United States - Lynnwood
Top comments
I know there's two sides to every story, but him doing that to his pregger girlfriend makes him a douchbag by default
Yeah, pretty much, you'd hope the boyfriend would have the maturity to overlook their issues at least to the point of not throwing her out on the streets.
Well what do we know... maybe it's not even his baby.
So she called him a name. She's having hormonal issues with the pregnancy, like any healthy pregnant woman should. So he thinks it's okay to abandon not only her in her time of need, but also the unborn child. Classy. You deserve better OP
Restraining order probably means there's a lot were not hearing, but never know....
74 - exactly. I somehow find it hard to believe a guy would get a restraining order JUST because his gf called him an asshole once. The only thing we know about the girl is that she had time to FML just after her bf kicked her out :-P
Whatever, girls do what they want, hit guys call em every name in the book. Then look offended when **** comes out. There is ALWAYS a way to validate a females actions (hormones, period,) stfu
I agree that he shouldn't have kicked his pregnant girlfriend out however she could've done more to him than just call him an asshole. Some women are complete bitches whether they're pregnant or not (I myself can be a complete bitch at times). In my opinion they are both in the wrong. Him for kicking her out and her for doing whatever else she might have done to piss him off.
She's not married to him, and I am pretty sure she's not about to marry him. Many people have babies out of wedlock, for many reasons birth control failed, failure to use birth control are two reasons. Just because she's having his kid doesn't mean she deserves this fml.
People shouldn't be boning if they're immature *****. They're only adding to the autism in the world.
Well he does sound like an asshole.
Try cocksuckingmcfagatrondicklickingfuckbucket.
why can you no english?
Completely random, but am I the only one who gets annoyed when people write stuff like "16 weeks" instead of just "4 months" it's so much easier to write... And read..
169 majority of medical personnel refer to a pregnancy in weeks not months, it makes it easier to work out the timeline
what an asshole..
And coward, in my opinion.
You were only stating the obvious
Phone your parents ASAP & leave him. No one but a true asshole would treat a pregnant lady like that. At least he has shown his true colors now.
These so called "Assholes" were once babies carried by a woman who was pregnant. Mind blowing, is it not?
What's your point, #24? You sound condescending even though you're not even saying anything.
what?! obviously this one moment doesn't define his life or who he is. I know plenty of nice people who once they go over the top they are one of the meanest people I know. For all we know, "asshole" might not have been the only thing OP called him.
It would have been better if he would've shown his colors seventeen weeks ago.
I would just leave, if he snaps over little things like that its really unhealthy
She doesn't have much choice to leave if he's threatening a restraining order...
I agree, in a way, he did you a favor.
I think they mean just leave and move on, which may be the best. Once he calms down he may try talking to her again and convince her to come back and blah blah blah. Unhealthy relationships tend to repeat this way.
What's backwards is that we take this story at face value. People are so sure of OP's innocence here? Threatening a restraining order for simply being called a name? Such BS. More obviously went down between these two.
I get what you guys are saying and you're more than likely completely right. I, however, have experienced something like this (not pregnant) with an ex (who is bipolar) He would flip his shit, take all my money, keys and phone and kick me out of OUR house. Over dumb shit. So you just never know. That could be the actual gist of the story, or it could be more.
if you start walking now, you'll get home just in time to have your baby and still have killer calf muscles
You made my day...
Couple things here: 1. He kicked you out essentially with no place to go, right? Where the **** are you where you can comfortably post FML stories? Priorities. 2. Assuming this is true, I'm not one to condone calling names, but to each their own. You being pregnant doesn't exactly excuse your behavior, but it definitely SHOULD give any significant other pause before tossing you out on your ass. You could easily have been assaulted. All in all it sounds like a completely unhealthy situation that you should check yourself out of immediately. You're toxic for each other and any baby deserves to be raised in a way healthier environment than you two could provide.
She's bound to have some friends or acquaintances who can put her for up for a few days. Or she's in a hotel. I find it unlikely that she literally wound up on the street, but that doesn't make his behaviour any more acceptable. And, sadly people sometimes say hurtful things to each other. We don't even know what prompted her to call him an asshole. Him reacting this way was definitely uncalled for.
That might be true, I'm definitely hoping that's the case. It's really worrisome to think of someone stranded like that with her condition. Working in DV shelters since I was 17, I've seen it all too often where pregnant women were either hurt or thrown out without a soul to turn to. I really hope that she just stays away and has friends go get her things for her.
Being pregnant doesn't excuse her behavior? Have you never heard of hormones? Or ever lived with a pregnant woman?
It doesn't. Hormones and discomfort do not excuse being disrespectful and calling names. You don't get a free pass at hurting your loved ones just because you're going through shit
Why are people thumbs-downing this girl? She has a point.
@20, how can you admit we *don't know why* he called her an asshole in one sentence, than call his reaction "definitely uncalled for" in the next sentence? The only logical conclusion is that you believe there is absolutely no such thing as a pregnant woman who is also an asshole--which is patently ridiculous.
That doesn't give him an accuse to kick his PREGNANT girlfriend out of THEIR place.... If he was that mad he should have left for a few hours.

I know there's two sides to every story, but him doing that to his pregger girlfriend makes him a douchbag by default
Sounds like he deserved much worse than "asshole"