By JaneChemi - 15/01/2014 21:47 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I found out that I'm pregnant. My boyfriend thinks I'm faking the whole thing in revenge for the fight we had yesterday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 738
You deserved it 8 195

JaneChemi_fml tells us more.

hi guys. when I found out I ran out of the bathroom holding a pregnancy test screaming "holy ******* shit babe I'm pregnant". I'm not sure I can really do much else to convince him. wait.... how did I deserve this??

Top comments

Don't worry, you still have nine months to convince him


There are pregnant women selling their used pregnancy tests on Craigslist. As little as I can imagine wanting to handle someone else's pee, OP's boyfriend might assume she really went off the deep end in her desire for revenge!

Well, maybe peeing on the stick in front of him would do the trick, no?

So to the 12 people who thumbed me down, you don't want him to be a good father? This community makes no sense

#91 Be relavent or gtfo. I learned that the hard way.

well... that does happen alot these days

19, I had an ex who said that she was pregnant just to mess with my head... Needless to say I got out of there fast, but it does happen.

I've known a few females to fake pregnancies just to stay with their boyfriends.

doglover100 28

You can buy false positive pregnancy tests.

People sell positive pregnancy pee stick tests on Craig's list. I had a patient who got her pregnant friend to pee on a stick so that she could try to keep her boyfriend. She then used the time she was allegedly pregnant, to actually get pregnant. Some people do really stupid things to stay in a relationship.

33--why would anyone be cruel enough to make that?

#35, It is quite cruel, it's like those fake scratch lotto tickets. People will do some crazy things to get a laugh at someone else's expense.

Baby trapping: Keeping males in relationships since 0AD

doglover100 28

35, what 59 basically said. Women do it to make their boyfriends stay.

pinkpanther61789 15

#83, idk in what world you are living in, but nowadays telling your boyfriend that you're pregnant is a very effective way to make them run far, far away

I knew a girl in high school who told her boyfriend that she was pregnant. A month or two later she told him it was twins and actually brought in a sonogram with twins in the appropriate stage of development for what she had told him. It was ridiculous and he was ready to drop out of school to support her and the babies until she told him it was fake. Apparently she wanted, "to be sure he would be there for me no matter what." Some girls will do really, really stupid and cruel things.

Well what happens when the woman comes clean or the guy finds out she was lying? Sure saying you're preggers might keep him around, but when he finds out you lied about that shit, he's gone! it seems like such a ridiculous and quite idiotic thing to do.

#116- A "miscarriage" will clear that problem right up. I really wish I was making that up but I've known multiple women who have lied about being pregnant, had quickie weddings, and then "miscarried" to cover their tracks.

#123- I know of at least one woman whose done that, too... My stepmom >.

Like 123 said, sometimes a 'mysterious' miscarriage will occur, and wow what a coincidence, it's right when a period would be happening. Then they use that for further emotional blackmail to keep the boyfriend around for a little longer. These tricks will only prolong the inevitable. It's a mean, manipulative thing to do. The ones who have the quickly wedding are despicable. Some women have gone to great length to keep up the deception, such as kidnapping newborn babies from hospitals and telling their partners they gave birth at home. Or even worse, kidnapping pregnant women who are full term and removing the baby from the womb. If anyone in a relationship doubt that their partner is pregnant, go to their ultrasound appointment with them. If you think that the person is faking and then has a 'miscarriage', a blood test will prove if they were pregnant. It takes a little while for the HCG levels to drop. I also want to say that most women would never consider these tactics.

doglover100 28

They will have a miscarriage, try to get pregnant or even steal a baby.

C0M1C4L 9

if its her boyfriend its probably by accident. i feel bad that they have to go through that. from the looks of the passage she will probably be a single mother.

we're in our 20s and had been talking about having kids. its just bad timing to find out

I like how you were so judgemental of OP when all you read was the FML. I have been married for five years and had kids. I was never prepared for that and we're still struggling with it. Just because they're boyfriend and girlfriend doesn't mean she'll be a single mother.

Not that there is anything wrong with being a single mother... Just putting it out there.. =)

Still keep the baby OP. The timing might be bad but the baby is there and there is nothing you can do now. Congratz, your growing a miracle inside you

C0M1C4L 9

#69 this is FML all we do is judge

Since when does marriage mean a person is going to be a good parent or an involved patent. Just because it is her boyfriend does not signify that she is going to be a single mom. There are plenty of people who are just boyfriend and girlfriend that make way better parents than a lot of married couples out there now a days. On that note congrats! I wish you both the best of luck.

I'm sorry #99 but kindly **** off. I don't want an abortion but you're bluntly pushing your anti choice shit on me. it was bad timing to announce it. I'm sorry if that seems rude but I am strongly pro choice.

Don't worry, you still have nine months to convince him

In about 5 months time... "babe, you need to eat less, all that food is going straight to your belly".

An itty bitty '+' might change his mind.

Well he's definitely in for a surprise..

Perhaps the only time a rebuttal will be literally personified.

He really should have had done a better job of re-butting himself if he wasn't ready to believe he'd got her pregnant.

LittleRed79 39

Don't know why you're getting the down votes here Grace. Thanks for the giggle....I'm picturing OP sending the baby to tell him in 9 months :)

Thanks, Littlered, and you're welcome. I'm thinking people think a child shouldn't be deemed a mere rebuttal... Either that or they just don't get it. Maybe they don't understand the word "rebuttal" or "personified."

Congratulations! I hope your boyfriend realizes that having a child is not a joke and that you two become great parents!

olpally 32

Being pregnant is no joke. Your bf is a moron. Show him the test result. Maybe that'll shut him up.

Chellybelly92 14

Yea but when women fake pregnancies all the time out of spite and what not...also you don't know how op reacts to arguments either

well I go into another room and watch tv. I don't raiae my voice or get aggressive. no point in it. plus being a wiccan helped me learn patience and control