By JaneChemi - 15/01/2014 21:47 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I found out that I'm pregnant. My boyfriend thinks I'm faking the whole thing in revenge for the fight we had yesterday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 738
You deserved it 8 195

JaneChemi_fml tells us more.

hi guys. when I found out I ran out of the bathroom holding a pregnancy test screaming "holy ******* shit babe I'm pregnant". I'm not sure I can really do much else to convince him. wait.... how did I deserve this??

Top comments

Don't worry, you still have nine months to convince him


Oh jeez, that must suck to have someone that close not believe you

buttcramp 21

guys react in insensitive ways sometimes but hopefully all will be well! congrats! having a baby is a wonderful experience!

Wow sounds like something that happened to someone I know

Well you picked the perfect time to tell him. Show proof so he won't think your making it up.

I don't know about an idiot. I've heard of people faking pregnancies all the time.

bluestripedsockm 14

Revenge pregnancy? That's a new one...

You probably should've waited a day or two for things to cool down some more before telling him. Not criticizing or hating, just giving you my point of view. I wish good luck to you and your new family :)