By JaneChemi - 15/01/2014 21:47 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I found out that I'm pregnant. My boyfriend thinks I'm faking the whole thing in revenge for the fight we had yesterday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 738
You deserved it 8 195

JaneChemi_fml tells us more.

hi guys. when I found out I ran out of the bathroom holding a pregnancy test screaming "holy ******* shit babe I'm pregnant". I'm not sure I can really do much else to convince him. wait.... how did I deserve this??

Top comments

Don't worry, you still have nine months to convince him


What an insensitive, ignorant thing to say. Whether or not a pregnancy is planned (though the OP has stated that she and her boyfriend wanted a baby) responding with a comment like this is just downright disrespectful and rude, especially since you do not know the OP personally or what her financial state may be. Next time, think a little before you speak.

sweetie I'm at the point in my life when I can walk into a store and not have to check the price tags on everything (even though I still do because I'm a smart shopper)

unixdude 9

Have an abortion before it's too late.

Read the previous comments. OP has stated multiple times that she wants to keep the baby.

You are daft. read OP'S comments. She isn't getting an abortion. And besides, getting an abortion because you had an argument with your partner isn't a very good reason to have one, don't you think? Abit... drastic, don't you think?

Congrats on the baby. Its exciting being a parent. Very tiring and painful, but oh so worth it. It didn't really sink in for my boyfriend until our son was born. And even then he was, and still is, very cautious. It'll be okay. Feeling him kick was when reality hit me.

That's what you get for having sex before marriage

This has nothing to do with her not being married. Lots of married couples get into arguments and could have been in an identical situation. Pregnancies (even when planned) are often shocking when you first find out. Her boyfriend will probably come around in a few days. Since OP has mentioned several time that this baby was wanted, how can you say she deserves it?

Sometimes guys tend to overreact, sorry OP :/

Doesn't that go for everybody, though? The "overreacting sometimes" thing, I mean.

JoseIsAdork 31

congratulations and best of luck op!

Congrats on the baby! Hope everything works out :-) wishing you and your boyfriend the best!