By Nemesis2747 - 24/12/2009 06:09 - United States

Today, I took a friend home from the hospital. She was on medication that made her drowsy. She fell onto her bed and asked me to help her take off some clothes since she had her winter gear on. She passes out and her roommate walks in and catches me undressing an unconscious girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 816
You deserved it 3 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mutantking 0

lol wonder how this ended. cops? or frying pan?

i think its really sweet that you didnt hesitate to help her. you dont deserve this


Mutantking 0

lol wonder how this ended. cops? or frying pan?

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waterynuggets 0

Maybe the roommate had just came home. OP doesn't deserve it. Hell, you'd think the roommate would know their roomie was in the hospital unless it was something that just unexpectedly happened.

loooooooooool_fml 1

@10, #3 meant "helping" in a different kind of level, you know..

waterynuggets 0

Yeah, because raping a girl is a lot more fun when they're not awake to complain about it. Go **** yourself, kid.

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you should have made a remark about how ghb is cheaper than a 6 pack and then continued undressing her

YDI for giving a **** what her roommate thought, and then bitching about it on FML

i think its really sweet that you didnt hesitate to help her. you dont deserve this

kmhello313 0

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hardly, OP said that she was on med that made her droswy and thus her just falling asleep, I'd say, would be fairly expected, it would be a waste of time and resources taking her back to the hospital

I think what OP means here is that his friend fell asleep from the strong side effects of meds. "Passing out" is a common idiom for falling asleep from exhaustion. Surprised you haven't heard it before. So no, he shouldn't have taken her back to the hospital for falling asleep.

#14 Thanks for the laugh. I just had this mental image of someone repeatedly taking their significant other to the emergency room because they keep falling asleep after sex.

Babushka_Homyak 10

Your comment is full of awesome.

@kmhello13, she asked to be undressed. don't be so ******* sexist.

so you've never been on any sort of anesthetic drug? it makes you fall asleep VERY fast. the reason she passed out was because she had recieved meds that made her sleepy. it was just the meds! she did not have a horrible reaction to the drug PS. he clearly said that she recieved meds that mae her drowsy

getfokinrektm8 9

What would he should have done, gone to the hospital and told them the medicine was working and she was passed out?

kmhello313 0
tacosrawesome77 0

Still doesn't excuse how you insulted a male's ability to use intellegient thought. :(

dudeitsdanny 9

It's a girl, whatcha expect? ;D

haha @dudeitsdanny I was about to bitch off at you for saying that but then I noticed the smiley=)