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By robbyrabbit - 11/11/2010 07:41 - United States

Today, I went to the place I signed for yesterday to pay the first month's rent and get my keys. I looked around before I left, and used the toilet. I went back later to show my boyfriend and found the place flooded an inch with water coming from the toilet. It had been flooding for 7 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 129
You deserved it 4 745

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bamagrl410 31

When you flush a toilet, you typically realize right away if something isn't right. YDI for not paying attention.

the toilet must have had enough of your shit.


bamagrl410 31

When you flush a toilet, you typically realize right away if something isn't right. YDI for not paying attention.

You would think so wouldn't you. I guess some people are just stupid.

YDI for not checking the plumbing & everything else out before you rented.

UnicornsDoExist 0

Well, you're up shit creek without a paddle, aren't you?

funzcpl 0

off the subject but me and you were born on the same day! march 20th.

that's pretty cool! maybe you guys are like brothers or something.

UnicornsDoExist 0
generalasskicker 12

6 this is random but awesome musical taste

funzcpl 0

aww. your information said 20. sorry. I'm easily amused. lol!

funzcpl 0

awww. your info said! sorry I'm easily amused.

funzcpl 0

don't know why I sent that twice. blond moment.

smiley_ily 0

that's disgusting. wouldn't you have noticed it? and seriously, 7 hours. that's not pleasant.

c8750 2

OP left & came back. She wasn't there while it was flooding

ur shit was so much worse than the other peoples the toilet died!!