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By Anonymous - 16/01/2011 01:34 - United States

Today, I hit a deer with a rental car... which I had to rent because I hit a deer with my car last week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 127
You deserved it 21 764

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You people are seriously ignorant if you think the OP was "off the road, texting, bad driver, etc." I've got news for you. Bambi doesn't just stand there and wait for you to hit her. It happens when Bambi panics, doesn't know where to go, and just picks a direction and runs. The deer can be on the left shoulder, decide to bolt from you -back across the road-. And the majority of deer are hit on rural roads with woods on each side. Sometimes the just come barreling out of the woods and you hit them, no notice. And for that matter, a lot of the time, you don't hit the deer. The deer hits you! As in, plowed into the side of the car. Had that happen once. Then factor in stuff like what time of the year it is, "the rut", etc. It's not uncommon for me to see 3-5 deer on the way home everynight. That many deer, high chance of impact. So go back to ambushing people with red paint and quit trolling the OP


nateb1tch 1

man you killed more deer than my friends hunting for weeks

lmfao people on thiS site are so cracking me the f$$k up

op you're supposed to avoid the deer not drive into them screaming "100 point bonus!"

Life_is_FML 22

Oh my god! He killed Kenny (the deer)! You bastard

OP: Don't beat yourself up, deers are reckless drivers.

prettylittledevi 0

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what did the deers do to him? Bastard deer killer!

seriously... what kind of idiot doesnt learn after the first time

WallyTheWombat 0

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You people are seriously ignorant if you think the OP was "off the road, texting, bad driver, etc." I've got news for you. Bambi doesn't just stand there and wait for you to hit her. It happens when Bambi panics, doesn't know where to go, and just picks a direction and runs. The deer can be on the left shoulder, decide to bolt from you -back across the road-. And the majority of deer are hit on rural roads with woods on each side. Sometimes the just come barreling out of the woods and you hit them, no notice. And for that matter, a lot of the time, you don't hit the deer. The deer hits you! As in, plowed into the side of the car. Had that happen once. Then factor in stuff like what time of the year it is, "the rut", etc. It's not uncommon for me to see 3-5 deer on the way home everynight. That many deer, high chance of impact. So go back to ambushing people with red paint and quit trolling the OP

fthku 13

All of that is very true. But, one would think he'd drive a bit more carefully wherever he knows there could be deer. Just like we can't know he's a bad driver, we can't know if he's a good one.

BryceADe 1
WillDaBeast83 0

Why is OP complaining, that's food for a month!

Aadavis94 25

Really? Idk about in Maryland but here in southern Oregon deer run into the middle of the road all the time. My dad even had his truck hit by a deer. And if you swerve and wreck the insurance can write it off as reckless driving and not pay a dime.

BigEV 0
tehrealone 6

Well maybe if he would stop driving through the forest..

FYLDeep 25

Son of a buck, I hate it when that happens.

Haha. I am rather fawn of these puns. :)

I hope you weren't driving in the reindeer.

percawesome 0

Looks like OP should be hoofin' it instead of driving from now on.

it sure costs a lotta doe for car insurance... |the kid|

must have been drawn to that huge rack...

dudeitsdanny 9

What the **** the Bambi ever do to you? Still, fyl. You're a serious idiot for doing this often, seemingly.. But fyl.

IneffableLullaby 13

You don't pay very good attention to the road while driving, do you, OP?

amayaa_fml 7

why don't you drive slower they aren't throwing themselves in front of your car.

i am very tempted too go all grammer nazi on you but i think you're statement appeared messier to me then it really is because of my tired state

dudeitsdanny 9

^ I REALLY hope yours was purposely bad..

no what do you mean i have a pretty good grasp of basic grammer thank you very much . . . .

nokel11 7

GRAMMAR!!! it's spelled g-r-a-m-m-A-r you ******* retard.

Wow. Failrar of the day! After ALL of that, the only thing you noticed I did wrong was the way I spelled "grammar?" I'm astounded.

KarinaLizeth18 5

Haha! I'm pretty sure, chippa, is messing up on purpose. xD Pretty damn annoying if you ask me. -.- Anyways, chippa, don't troll!(:

uh, no that's not the only thing you spelled wrong. for example: it's "..tempted TO go..", "..i think YOUR statement.." and "to me THAN it really is.." now i'm not one to correct everybody and my grammar isn't perfect either, english isn't even my first language, but before you go around correcting people, you should really check your own grammar first..

UpsidedownKayak 9

#8, I am very sure that the deer are throwing themselves in front of the car. They tend to do that from time to time. Animals I've had to dodge while driving: squirrels, opossum, raccoon, deer, bear.

nokel11 7

oh no I noticed. you're just a terrible troll.

…I know, Litschi. I clearly stated that "grammer" wasn't my only mistake. And yes, they were done on purpouse. I thought that was obvious, but I guess not. o.O

It wasn't trolling, it was a sarcastic/ironic remark.

I would argue that they intact are. perhaps you your self don't have a deer population around you.

crankcrick 0

yes they do. then they stop to look at you. deer really suck at chicken. sucks for you op. you're the Shit deer chicken tho. next time hit the accelerator should another deer want to play...

bman134 0

It's kind of a lose for the both of them. :/ Deer: 0 OP: -2

poor poor deers I hope they haunt you in your sleep

Those deers will be climbing up your windows.

WallyTheWombat 0

-_-' deer* My grammar SUCKS and I know this. moose mice deer geese oxen sheep wolves I can't think of anymore ATM. Things like this and the word "stupider" really grind my gears.

I am aware of words like "sheep" and "deer" are both singular and plural. This knowledge sits at the back of my mind while I make careless mistakes. Ah, oh well. Thank you for correcting me.

talktomandybaby 8

haha.i hope the deer comes to haunt him in his sleep(((((:

gabby1995pena 4

I was just about to write that correction lol. grammar nazis FTW!