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By fail - 16/01/2011 01:50 - Canada

Today, I decided to play a friendly game of Clue with my family. This resulted in one kid crying, one dad with a broken nose, two broken plates and a trip to Walmart to get a new Clue game. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 348
You deserved it 4 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like the family needs some Anger Management courses instead of a new game.

Wait, after all that you went and bought a new one?


Sounds like the family needs some Anger Management courses instead of a new game.

I_R_Genius 3

So OP, was it the professor in the bedroom with the candle stick or was it you in the family room with the game?

WallyTheWombat 0

I like how a trip to Walmart was included in the FML. Hate that place : /

Hidan_fml 0

does it really matter if OP has two dads? so what, doesn't really matter. and it's really none of your buisness.

kitkat, it doesn't say tht they have two dads. it says one dad, two plates. learn to read.

Bludmagnus 13

Yeah... I agree. If you cannot get through a board game without that happening, there is a lot more going on that needs to be addressed.

wait isnt every family like family is exactly like this with monopoly

bbedlock_fml 7

Your family sounds a bit messed up...

percawesome 0

no, they just misunderstood OP, explain to your family that the murder takes place BEFORE the game begins. that should make your game last. well, the board and pieces anyway...

tktom7 6
munyarl 0

Sounds like a Simpsons episode, but you know it always works out in the end! They'll all go for frosty chocolate milkshakes.

Maybe you guys shouldn't be getting a new Clue game.

mandypandypants 4

I like how this post says "one dad" you have two dads?

it is possible that more than 1 family was playing.

percawesome 0

It's called parallelism. If OP said one kid... MY dad... two dishes etc. it would interrupt the flow of the sentence. Literary style folks~

Also, I got the impression that this was written by the mum, not one of the kids.

athena3100 9

hes listing it, like saying" In all there is one dad with a broken nose, two broken plates, ect..."

It's also fully possible that there are two dads in the family, although you guys are probably right

IneffableLullaby 13

Wow, your family knows how to have fun. ;)

amayaa_fml 7

its extreme clue, it happens.

percawesome 0

Wait, after all that you went and bought a new one?


Playing Clue is an addiction

I'm with you man wtf get some help not a new game

I'm with you man wtf get some help not a new game

Why would you buy a new copy of the game if playing it resulted in all of that? If you bought it with the intent to play with your family again than you are insane. If you bought it to play with someone other than just be sure to hide it from your family.

Your not actually supposed to stab your dad in the eye, with a knife, in the kitchen!

FYLDeep 25

It sounds more like a lead-pipe to the nose in the Kitchen. And who knows, maybe his name was Mr. Body?

sourgirl101 28

^ It looks like someone watched the movie "Clue"(:

sourgirl101 28

Yep! I own it.(: Tim Curry plays Mr. Body (He is the actor that played in "The Rocky Horror Picture Show").

percawesome 0

Wow there's a movie? FYI they also say the victim's name in the game instructions

ashleejayne69 0