By Unknown - 07/07/2011 15:12 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 05/09/2009 07:22 - United States
By Bee - 08/06/2011 00:13 - Canada
By romancocks - 09/05/2014 20:31 - United States - Palatka
By Anonymous - 17/10/2011 21:37 - United States
Hey guys!
By iannie - 31/07/2011 21:45 - United States
A shooting waiting to happen
By Never Been Arrested - 01/03/2016 21:44 - United States - State College
Weird flex, but OK
By gotmon3y - 07/04/2009 16:12 - United States
By Anonymous - 02/08/2012 19:16 - Canada - Lloydminster
By Anonymous - 03/04/2011 17:31 - United States
By drastech99 - 23/09/2011 06:22 - United States
Top comments
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywaymistaken for Snooki in Missouri..?
poor op

I've been mistaken for chuck Norris before.
I've been mistaken for God before.
57, shut up we get it snooki is orange!
I was mistaken for Osama before... worst day ever
94, you just made my day hahahaha
I was once mistaken as your mom. dude your dad was pissed when he took me to his room.
at first glance, i thought the FML said for 'a snooki', and I was like..what's a snooki? xD
In my country, 9 out of 10 girls look like snooki. FML!
So OP is a drunk, fat, orange crab infested crackwhore?
121, you must live in hell
That's unfortunate. FYL!
OMG thats horrible!!!! :( im sure ur not thaaaat short :P
other than the orange skin snooki isn't uglyy so I agree
121 is your country USA?
snooki want smoosh smoosh
182 I live in Ecuador, a country not so far from Chile where snooki comes from, yes it is hell and believe me even women from Chile are prettier than the ones from Ecuador, thankfully I attend a private snooki-free high school where girls are rather pretty so the view there is much better than that of jersey shore's poor bastards (i feel sorry for them) Oh, also as a bonus, if snooki came here she would be one of the tallest persons here seriously, i mean i am 1.71m tall (dont know how much is it in feet) and i'm waaaaaay above average height... Seriously i need to get out of here soon
Actually i was exaggerating about her height, but still if she came here she would just be about 1 inch below average
holy shit none of you people have a sense if humor
were u eating pickles??
#1, you don't see a problem with being called THE most annoying character in TV history? She is so ******* fat, gross, orange, and ******* annoying. I ******* hate that show too... OP, Big FYL on this one. I feel for you...
227, bro thats cool im from ecuador too.... psh the women from the city are so ugly as hell! damn!..... at least i used to live in the beach!...... lots of hot girls 24/7!..... ugh atleas ecuadorian girls arent orange and with a poof that need their own area code!
Good Lord, that show is stupid. I'll never understand why people enjoy that type of reality television. At the very least, programs like Big Brother involve some semblance of purpose. Also, that's worse than being called Snoopy.
268, I agree. Jersey Shores is a waste of time and I see nothing interesting. Big Brother airs today. I like Julie Chen.
276 I pray you did that on purpose.
Are there beaches in missouri?
yeh I don't see the problem either
Atleast you weren't mistaken for Shamu The Whale.
stop being a fat ho, then.
Arn't they the same thing? :)
Douche bag
Congrats #1. You may very well be the proud owner of the most thumbed down comment on FML!:)
haha I like you
hahaha omg tht was perfect
was she humping a tree?
293- says the girl who looks a damn lot like snooki.
215 thumbs down!!! lol, epic fail!!!
215 thumbs down!!! lol, epic fail!!!
ive seen a first comment with over 500 thumbs down a couple of months ago... im not going to bother searching though...
nope, it's in the continent
(that was at 289)
Just checked it's 5 feet 6 inches. :)
(That was to 227.)
182- it says he's from edcuador...
awesome cosplay
actually #131 I'd rather be wookie!
I could see that. Like a blanket with-OMG-feet!
Hahah awesome and ironic
Judging by your picture I can see your idea of what isn't ugly is way off
Dam 286 your hot
It's funny that all these "I've been mistaken for" sayings, and 94 added a slight detail, which makes him get thumbs upvotes.
Yep. There must've been enough similarities for a mistake like that to be made. Orange-tanned skin, slightly overweight, poufy hair... Except for the (lack of) height, you can change all of that and avoid the situation in the first place.
slightly overweight? yeahh.. we can go with that. >.>
yes, sign lots of ordagraphs
wow OP must be ugly then
236 I think he meant the "jersey shore" guys like snooki, not "jersey guys" cause I'm in the same boat, from jersey and not a single guy I know is attracted to her (or will admit it, if they are!)
Hey look!! An oompa loompa on FML!!!!!
As a "Jersey" guy, I can safely disagree.
Lol, you should have pretended to actually be her. You could have gotten a lot of free stuff!
40, your hair is amazing :D
Yeah, A lot of free dick
40 omg your hair... i want it lolz
40 I swear the last time you commented the hair in your picture was dark. if it was you i like the old hair better
fail. she can get arrested for that. impersonating.
Or punched.
god, all she was saying is she liked the old hair better. don't get your panties in a knot over that, it was a simple observation.
364, I believe they were referring to the fact that OP could be arrested for impersonating Snooki, not because your profile picture isn't a picture of you. By the way, I read your profile and saw the "*not me*," but I didn't understand why it was there, perhaps you could put "not me^" at the top of your profile and more people would understand it.
are you fat and orange???
I bet snookis ****** is fat and orange too.
this literally made me lol
no she would need to be short fat orange and yell muff cabbage
I think that's life saying you've hit rock bottom.
aww that sucks. but snooki is a bit cute so that means you're cute :)
5- Dear lord, what is wrong with with you.
if u rele believe that u have some serious issues
To each his own
your an idiot she looks like an oompa loompa
i'm sure if you consider unruly, misshapen, discolored humans who look like bicephalous, height-challenged aliens cute, then...sure! |the kid|
6- your picture made me literally "Lol".
I'd take Whoopi over Snooki any day.
Or wookie.
Yep, there are several. Google is your creepy friend.
No, but in the mid-west were not completely isolated, we have transportation.
Beaches do not have be on oceans. There are also lake beaches, river beaches, etc. As defined by noun 1. an expanse of sand or pebbles along a shore. 2. the part of the shore of an ocean, sea, large river, lake, etc., washed by the tide or waves. 3. the area adjacent to a seashore: We're vacationing at the beach. Missouri has A LOT of lakes and rivers :|
Yeah, well I've always heard "Let's go to the lake." not "Let's go to the beach on the lake.". That may be what it's properly called, but you don't hear it here.
We call those 'Estuaries' this side of the pond. Or lakesides. Or riverbanks.
I've heard people call lakes the beach, but usually people who don't live by a coast.
several nice ones and a party cive
Holy crap 35!!! I thought there was a polar bear on your couch!!!!
snooki is a nasty ass fake chick, fyl

I was mistaken for Osama before... worst day ever
are you fat and orange???