By Anonymous - 17/10/2011 21:37 - United States
Same thing different taste
By mikeissad - 11/08/2012 19:37 - United States - Port Saint Lucie
By Anonymous - 19/06/2014 08:24 - United States - San Francisco
Words have meaning
By Anonymous - 17/05/2014 16:02 - United States - Elko
By Anonymous - 28/06/2019 16:03
By jalisc512 - 21/08/2014 20:16 - United States - Aurora
By Anonymous - 22/11/2009 07:31 - United States
By notahero - 09/01/2015 04:40 - United States - Brentwood
By HellaBomber91 - 20/11/2009 13:56 - United States
By Anonymous - 17/08/2012 22:16 - Canada
By Unknown - 07/07/2011 15:12 - United States
Top comments
This comment earned you a place in my heart forever. Down with Snooki, up with Pauly D!!!
Snooki: I'd hit that (with a shovel). Lol.
I think the entire cast of jersey shore should be removed from the gene pool. I fear that too many of those types of people will send earth on a faster pace to a fiery hell
15-how about down with jersey shore
If you see a snooki you gotta hit it with a shovel!!!!
Where do you work? Abercrombie and fitch?
So what your saying is down with bumps and spray tan and up with sharp pointy hair gel that if you touch it hurts both the toucher and the touched... Btw midgets rock.... Doesnt mean snooki does...
68- read my about me... The part about hair... You'll understand
69- i was talkong about hair that if you werent careful you could chip... No healthy hair that at least can breath a little.... Btw you have never seen my hair and my hair care products... Read my discription... My hair is long curly wavy and i have a different style every week
85- Oh I'm not. I just figured you didn't want to hear how I'm an honor student in advanced classes, who works and plays sports throughout the year, and lifts during the summer, can write a hell of a poem, and wants to be a surgeon because he wants to save lives. It's FML, no need to be serious.
Seriously, FML isn't for this shit. Especially Jersey Shore. The worst kind of shit. It's even worse showing up on FML.
Snooki want smush-smush!
97- no i did not im in adavanced classes, write my own music, aspire to become a lawyer or actress, am widley popular, and the money i make will go to starting a new hopital for kids which doesnt mean shit about the person! You could do all of those things and still be an ass! Your the one with -7... I only have -3... Doesnt mean im right doesnt mean your right.
Fine... I'll give... I bet your nice so im sorry... Its FML... Not supposed to be serious in that big of a way. And its not that i dont like snooki its just she can go over the top... Op shouldnt have said she was useless to the planet.
Snooki is soo pretty i wish i was just like her. ( go ahead dislike my comment just for funsies) ^_^
Well I'm in advanced, advanced classes. I can lift an ocean liner with 1 finger, I've written 27 number 1 singles and 14 best selling books. I have 4 Nobel prizes and more PhDs thank you can shake a stick at. I sleep with 3 different supermodels every night and NASA have recruited me to be an astronaut for a mission to save the entire human race from impending doom!
Shut up Chuck
158- i was trying to say it doesnt matter... I was tryimg to say the same thing u did and i got a buncha -'s
Preach it
165- one word "Kesha". 164- the reason why people gave you thumbs down is because you didn't over exaggerate your "achievements". You stated everything that could be possible although it was highly unlikely. basically, everyone you you were stating lies but your mannerism suggested more of you thinking it was believable rather than making fun of 97.
Actually its all true i was just saying you coud sound cool but be a real ass...
my my look how snookie is making everyone fight here. sadly i dont think anyone here likes her and she still causes chaos.
I just wanna know who dafaq had sex with that. (Don't thumbs down for the dafaq I am a meme maniac Trololol)
Hey, you spoke the truth. Be proud.
Can someone really be so immature that they'd fire someone for disliking a celebrity? ._.
S/he likes Snooki. I think that's enough of an answer.
yes, yes they can. the people of the world are getting more retarded by stupid shit like Jersey Shore everyday
Did you want to get thumbed down or something?
Nobody understands it, that was a hell of a comment if you've ever seen an episode of jersey shore
*silent fart*
careful boners may get ya from behind if you bow to far. ;)
Some one should give #7 a "Mike" so he can let the whole world know he's ******* better the me at puns. :(
I would rather lose my job than saying I like snooki
Yes I would. The joys of being in a high-demand job at a country not so struck by unemployment. :)
Then you would be a hobo than say you like Snooki? Okay have a nice life as a hobo *don't "barrow" money from your parents!! They expect more from you!!!*
ha wait untill the show finaly ends.....hopefully soon and all her money dries up. then ladies and gentlemen we have a true comedy in the making.
Oh, I didn't realize the world was supposed to be fair? No wait...
Your just jealous cause she makes more money an episode then you ever will in your life time shes an amazing person and derseves every penny she gets !!
If you work at the Willy Wonka chocolate factory that's probably not a good thing to say. Those people look up to her, she the queen oompa loompa.
I agree 110% :) you would be fired on the spot
lol boners
13, no one fires boners. Boners fires you.
BOO SNOOKI, no one likes her
As in no one, you mean you?? Because if you haven't noticed ALOT of people like snooki,including me so, that's not everyone. (:
Why you like a disgraceful ***** of a person like her is beyond me. The fact that this show is still going on shows the vast stupidity of alot of americans. This one show makes the case for all parents that tv will rot your kids brains.
yea but your a 13 year old who idolizes wannabe shitbags like Snooki and Beiber
Ya it's quite disturbing the "role models" these kids have these days.
90, no one as in you. Get the facts straight.
She is pretty useless. But she provides the world with laughter at her stupid antics, you have to at least give her that.

People who like Snooki shouldn't be in positions of power. Ever.
Sounds like a shitty. . . *lowers sunglasses* Situation.