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Weird flex, but OK

By gotmon3y - 07/04/2009 16:12 - United States

Today, I was at the beach walking on the boardwalk without a shirt on. Two cute girls are walking my way and I decide to try and impress them by flexing my abs. While I flexed them, I accidentally let a fart out that everyone heard. Everybody, including the girls, laughed hysterically at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 936
You deserved it 81 870

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thats what you get when you lamly try to impress girls by being "macho"

420hiadventurer 0

I'm going to assume that you are a male...if you aren't this would be a much more interesting fml.


thats what you get when you lamly try to impress girls by being "macho"

Tip: next time you do that, flex your ass as well

dude if u flex ur abs it'll probably just look like ur trying to jack off or something.

I bet they were all over you after that.

I farted right before I got to your part saying how you farted

420hiadventurer 0

I'm going to assume that you are a male...if you aren't this would be a much more interesting fml.

on the top of the page it says that it's a male

That washboard stomach is good for something.

wow, you needed a witty comeback...i.e. "did someone step on a duck?" or "did you hear those barking spiders"

rinaldy 0

why is everybody being so mean- he didn't do something ridiculous he was just trying to impress them- wtf is wrong with that? it's not like he was doing something obnoxious or rude

Ha ha that is awesome! I feel for you guy, but in the same situation I would have laughed at a fart too. Farts are funny - thats why when somethings funny people say "thats gas"

same I laughed so hard at this I actually farted haha

Your own damn fault. Put a shirt on, you're offputting to look at anyway. They probably would have laughed at your efforts, fart or no fart. Pathetic.

I'm still not certain if people who walk around without a shirt are egotistical douches or if I'm, in some way, jealous of it. I think its the former.