Great start
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States
By roomie487 - 06/10/2009 21:08 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 13/10/2010 04:12 - Australia
By Anonymous - 16/01/2017 17:07
By mcullen21 - 12/06/2009 18:50 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/02/2017 15:00 - United States - Stevenson Ranch
By oreoblizzard619 - 25/09/2012 12:13 - United States
By I hate nasty people - 05/04/2012 16:18 - United States - South Bend
By Technomage - 27/03/2021 11:01
By D: - 06/10/2013 17:13 - France - Paris
By Pita - 04/12/2010 20:35 - United States
I see what you did there... nice
I bet it is summit like luke or summit thats the closest to lube
It might b luke
yeah but who can't pronounce luke
But Luke isn't any harder to pronounce than Lube would be.
I think the be might be Lupe. Spanish name but makes sense
Lube Buttraider? Star wars gone wrong! Lol
Hey my name is ****** Luke!!!! Don't call me lube!!!!
My name is Muslim.... people still have trouble pronouncing it. My science teacher got confused and once called me Islam and wouldn't believe me when I told her my real name was Muslim.
Luke? I think but Lube and Luke sounds like the same xD
If it's a girl, her name might be Lupè. (Loopay) xD
Summit? Girl you have me more lost than waldo
Well, "Lube" IS easier to pronounce than "Anonymous"...
:P lawls
xP well I just hope they are the same age as you and not 32 year old men behind a screen. ( :P btw 14 year old female, from canada, eh)
If we followed those rules then there wouldn't be half as much people here, if they didn't make those rules, what fun would it be to break them?
148- lol I looked it up too and yeah she's on google images XD
Her name might be Lubelle. I know someone with that name. It was more popular in the old days.
Her roomate
76 - If you're doing a reference to starwars, take note: In starwars they said "No, I am your father." they never said "Luke, I am your father."
#143 I'm from England and no one I know says "summit" instead of "something".
Lol tht was so well done
A new generation!
That was aimed at #140
haha poor guy!
Ok so I know this guy's comment is near the top but I just gotta say this... Jake1632 your 14? me too... I like your pic ;)
A summit is Tge top of a mountain. Hagrid and David Brent say "summat," which I believe is what you meant.
Says at the top of the screen her name is luciana or something like that a
why does that matter? I'm 13 and like to think that I have better grammar (and spelling) than some of the older people on the site p.s.what's your name at the top you are totally hot (I unlike some can say that without being creepy) because I'm 13 and not 25. k. out
#225 He said his name was Jake or Robert. You might be able to spell correctly but you need to work on your reading skills...
43, why do you have a roommate if you're only 14?
Your mom.
Wait your 14 ? Same i just put my age as 18 :) x
Probably Luke.
The party wouldn't be the same without lube!
thats hot lmao:)
btw jake ur hot to js:)
Salty, your name is sour. Aren't I sweet for being so bitter? I amuse myself.
Well I thought your joke was funny :)
the party don't start till lube walks in
What's your name?
Probably Luke.
it would not be Luke because op said the roommate is a she and that means she's a girl too...
Who said roommates can't be opposite genders?
It really depends on where they are roommates at
what is your name? Lubricanta?:)
i feel bad for that kid...
I once knew a girl who was contemplating calling her future child Chlamdyia [sp?]. She was 14 at the time though, so hopefully when she DOES have children... OP, after a few tries, I would have come up with a cool nickname. Like Dumbledore or something.
A friend of mine is called Aurore but English speakers can't pronounce her name and call her "error", "horror" or "*****"...
That should interesting if your friends ever call and your not there, "lube is not in right now"
"he slipped out for a few minutes."
Lmao! :D
Yikes! That sux
What the hell is your name!?
Jake..... But I go by Robert