By Bobby ray slice - 22/08/2011 00:03 - United States

Today, I went into a public bathroom and walked in on a guy checking his butt out in the mirror to see if he'd wiped properly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 710
You deserved it 2 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

"Wow, I really did a spotless job this time!"


Try knocking next time. Some people like to double check. Not a bad policy.

Believe it or not, we actually do have multi-stall bathrooms up here in Minnesota, sir Knocking was probably the last going on OP's mind

It sounds as if OP asked the man what he was doing. Can't imagine how the guy felt.

Picture it, people: A guy standing with his back to the mirror, twisting his upper body around so he can look at his reflection, hands firmly grasping his buttocks, spreading them apart as he gets up on tip-toe and sticks his butt out so as to get a better view. That was my mental image, anyway. Thought I'd make you all share it.

Picture it, people: A guy standing with his back to the mirror, twisting his upper body around so he can look at his reflection, hands firmly grasping his buttocks, spreading them apart as he gets up on tip-toe and sticks his butt out so as to get a better view. That was my mental image, anyway. Thought I'd make you all share it.

And... I finally figured out how it's possible to have multiple identical posts in rapid succession. iPod malfunction. Sorry about that.

*puts belt back on* You're safe . . . for now.

At least it wasn't a little kid with his pants pulled all the way down. But I think this is far worse anyways...

enonymous 8

14 I don't believe in the multi-stall bathrooms. It's not as personable and cozy as the single. It's why I kick stall doors in with my fake badge and ask for the story of lemmiwinks sometimes I sit on their lap as they tell me about it

EnEl_Infierno 15

Takes the meaning of "anal" to a whole new level, don't you think? Seriously who does that.

40- But I'm sure you don't believe a word they say, and constantly mutter about how much of an old fool they are, because there is no way that an outsider would truly know about the lemmiwinks, before getting up and making a scene in the stall, yelling about it's the beginning of the end if you do not get your daily dose of lemmiwinks Of course you had the courtesy of drawing a smiley face on the mirror for them while they sat stunned in the stall after ******** their pants, because that would be rude, plain and simple How'd I do on the impersonation?

that is gross. it's even more gross that you took the time to figure out why he was looking at his butthole in the mirror. did you stop to talk about it with him?

Are you sure he wasn't just trolling for some butt action???

juicedboi 7

Well? How are his wiping skills?


fakeaccountX 6

Be glad that wasn't a bathroom stall in a Minneapolis airport. Or was it?

That happened to me, someone walked in on me checking my ass in the big tall mirror. I was just like, "Damn, dat ass" to myself though. With pants on.

xSonic 9

There are mirrors in stalls?? I thought op meant like right when he went into the restroom the guy was in front of the mirror in front of the seat checking

In that situation, he probably didn't want to take a crack

Zeek63 0

You missed a spot right there on the right! Go clean it.

crazychick1269 7
ModelTheExotic 0

hey haha I like your comment(:

Spaghetti7 5

You should of clapped. That takes balls.

Hell yeah, or OP should have been like 'you missed a spot' :D

i13Zero 5

I used to do that...when i was 5

deathtrap 0

First FML thus far that actually made me laugh.

iAmScrubs 19

"Wow, I really did a spotless job this time!"

nope he did a shitty job ahhahaahhahha I know it wasn't funny or intelligent

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aFatFuck 0

I know right? Everything involving bathrooms goes down here. I still shudder thinking about that congressmen looking for gay sex in the Minneapolis airport...

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BelleBelle_fml 11

You suck at life...and reading.

tylersign 11

I'm pretty sure misreading something has nothing to do with ability to live life.

BelleBelle_fml 11

Sorry, I just figured if they had read the FML they would've understood it was a public restroom and most have individual stalls, so you don't need to knock on the door. I suppose I am the fail here. My apologies. Good day to you.

Bently24 6

PUBLIC RESTROOM. why would he walk in a single bathroom and then put this on FML, he would of known it was his fault

upsidedownfrownn 5

Pretty sure it was a joke.. I got it.

Hey, there's a lot of health benefits in having a clean buttocks. One being clean buttsecks.

Ah, a referance to your own profilepicture! Clever, clever ..

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