By anonymous - 31/10/2011 19:11 - United States
Same thing different taste
By candice - 01/11/2011 09:09 - Reserved
By trick or not treat - 31/10/2009 22:26 - France
By trickortreat - 01/11/2009 04:23 - United States
Trick it is, then
By Tricked - 01/11/2023 09:00
By Anonymous - 31/10/2010 00:00 - United States
By sluttyfox - 31/10/2018 14:00
By Username - 12/11/2011 02:04 - United States
By ananymous - 01/11/2012 03:04 - United States - Spencerport
Halloween, the long wait
By androidjezus - 03/11/2019 18:30
By ThaBoss12 - 01/11/2014 22:22 - United States - San Francisco
Top comments
Hell yeah, light up some candles and break out the Ouija board. Or, get hammered and go egg some houses and shit.
I guess trick or treating is good for candy and all, but I just wait till the day after when wal-mart liquidates everything candy & Halloween related for super cheap.
Eggs can be just as good as candy, and better for your health. PS. Peace officer are bonus points.
Haha, I dressed as Paul Stanley and my friend was Ace Frehely and we just jammed and put on a show on our guitars.
But that would add to the spookyness!
Or the robberies.
You're cool man. You've read every one of my comments, have you? If you have that's bloody creepy.
They're cheesy poofs, dumbass. Quit being such a troll.
SexyHindu, I haven't seen you make one good comment yet either, so you have no room to talk.
Retarded Chipmunk is retarded
I am completely baffled, how does a city postpone Halloween?
Lots of cities in CT have. Gov. Dannel Malloy advises we observe it next Saturday instead.
Wow that's weird xD. It's not something I've seen in Texas xD. Learn something new every day!
The northeast just got a nor'easter, some cities have over a foot of snow and no power, that's why.
Yah, same here. I live in CT and was excited for tonight): CLP says we won't have power for another week ._.
Seriously, a foot of snow takes out your power, how?
Must be why they call you the window licker. We got 18" of heavy wet snow tons of trees and power lines down everywhere!! Looks like a tornado went through here!! The power companies are working 24 hours a day to restore power. There are hundreds of towns a hundred percent out of power. Cell service just got restored!!
Because it was a very heavy snow and with leaves being on the trees yet caused broken limbs into power lines.......
Ikr. Had 3 very large trees fall in my backyard. Got school cancelled Monday and Tuesday too.
I laughed when my best friend told me this. He lives in CT and told me e didn't have school until Monday because of the snow and stuff. I realize that it's heavy snow, but it blows my mind after seeing how much snow we get up here where I live. We never really had this happen here so it was something new for me to hear.
Wow try living where I do. 18 inces is nothing. Last winter we had about 4 feet
We r plenty used to snow in CT, but this snow fell on trees that still had leaves on them. Pair that with wet ass snow, and high winds, and u end up with an entire state with serious power outages. No power for 7-10 days. Power lines down all over trees covering roads. CT= apocalypse currently.
Hold back trick or treating? Gosh, op, cities do it all the damn time! My town does it nearly every year! Grow the f**k up!
Yeah that would be the best running around with your friends being bad (it's k to do once a year) have fun it's Halloween!
Dam straight I went out and just got plastered last night Nd apparently we went around messing with people idk I forget my friend just told me :P
Umm, postponed Halloween because it's dark? Nah :)
Could be worse.
Couldn't think of anything else. Go ahead & thumb me down then..
I heard it on the news.
In horror movies, this is when a murderer comes and kills the people out there in the dark.
I'm handing out ****** for the girls, **** rings and Penthouse for the boys. Anyone who dresses up as an altar boy gets Ambien.
flockz, you get first choice. The two-foot, double headed black mamba, or the 14 inch long, 6 inch round pancake maker?
Hope the trick didn't last too long. Hope the treat was awesome.
No one cancels Halloween! Who are they, God?
Nope. Mother nature.

I am completely baffled, how does a city postpone Halloween?
But that would add to the spookyness!