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By wellthisisawkward80 - 06/11/2011 05:15 - United States

Today, I was attending my bachelor party. I watched a very attractive young girl dancing on a pole, giving me a seductive look. As she walked up to me, I realized it was my soon-to-be wife's younger sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 636
You deserved it 17 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just don't forget who you're going to marry, bro. Let her use her seductive look to catch someone else.

Be glad it wasn't your mother in law lol D:


Just don't forget who you're going to marry, bro. Let her use her seductive look to catch someone else.

XenaWP 6

Hey now, she's probably a very lovely girl.. And now you know her secret- you've got one up on her. ;)

indielove 13

Let's hope OP used the head up top and not the one in his pants.

FYLDeep 25

Catch someone else? Don't you mean catch someone else's money? She ain't dancing on the pole as a way to pick up guys.

It's ok, she's not Helen of Troy, can't launch a thousand ships. Remember why you are having a party in the first place :-)

Randuhh_17 4

Well, if she tries to snitch on you for going to a strip club, you can always hold her secret as leverage... Unless of course, everyone knows, and she doesn't care...and then Op you're up shit creek, without a paddle.

aduro1991 4

well 61 he did say its his bachelor party i think thats wat guys usually do on there bachelor party

Randuhh_17 4

Well 66, just because it's what guys do for their bachelor parties, doesnt mean their future wives exactly know/want them doing it.

bizarre_ftw 21

I don't think she's trying to catch someOne, I believe her aim is the other thing he keeps tucked in his pants

bizarre_ftw 21

Wait, 73, does that mean women should just kid themselves? I'm sorry, but if I ever get married I don't plan to be so naïve....

If I ever get married, I know I can trust my fiance enough to don't go to strippers or ******. And that's not even the slightest bit naïve.

MizzErikaHart 8

Well if the family knows that the sister is a stripper than op has nothing on her.

133- If you were married and actually trusted him, he could go to stripclubs. And I don't know why stupid women think strippers are ******, it's a way to pay the rent and put food on the table. Nothing more.

C'mon you only get one chance and then BOOM she's off limits forever

When I have a bachelor party I would never go to a strip club it's disrespectful and frankly disgusting

'If you were married and actually trusted him, he could go to stripclubs.' I would be highly offended, disgusted and unbelievable upset if my partner would go to watch naked women dancing and trying to sit on his lap. That has nothing to do with trust, I'm just absolutely not comfortable with it and if I'm not absolutely comfortable with it, then it would be nice of him to respect my feelings and don't go to strippers. I'm the only woman who he ever has seen naked in real life, I would like to keep it that way, thank you very much. Besides, my partner is offended, disgusted and upset if I watch pictures of penises online. I think it's pretty safe to assume he doesn't want me to watch naked men dancing either. It's more a matter of personal opinions than trust, my dear.

rldostie 19

Saying its "disrespectful" is misleading. If both in the couple agree that it's a party that is meant to be over the top and crazy as "last night out," I don't see how that is disrespectful. If one asks the other NOT to have strippers, and then he or she goes behind their SO's back and do it, sure, that's a no no. But most people recognize what kind of party it is, and if they trust their SO, it shouldn't be an issue. Both my husband and I had strippers at our respective parties. Neither of us had an issue because we trusted each other not to do anything. Couples should be able to decide what works for them without others labeling it as "disrespectful" or "disgusting."

To all commentators who are being judgmental about strip clubs, etc: To imply that people who watch strippers have no morals is very ignorant. No one is judging you on how you live your life, perhaps you could give others the same respect.

'But most people recognize what kind of party it is, and if they trust their SO, it shouldn't be an issue.' I completely agree with your entire post, except for this sentence. Knowing that many people can't even stand their partner watching **** (merely because they have a low self-esteem and therefore think their partner find the pornstars prettier and more attractive, which will give them an even lower self-esteem), I don't think it's that simple. People and their feelings are more complicated than 'if you trust your partner, let him/her go to strippers!'.

I agree with 171, there are options other than strippers and such. However many people choose to do just that and their isn't anything wrong with that as long as both of them are okay with that. Personally however I wouldn't just because I've been with my girlfriend for a long time and it's not like I'm not trusted not to do anything like that, but I'm not interested in it and I'm betting it would make my girlfriend uncomfortable.

colabobo 5

OP is just trying to keep it in the family.

So basically what you are implying is because you are self concise that means your soon to be husband cannot go to a strip club because it makes YOU feel insecure I can see were your coming from but it should not matter he is marrying you not the striper and considering it is his night with his friends he should be able to do as he pleases within reason of course strip clubs down in Australia majority have a no touching rule so if you touch the stripper you get booted.

RawrNom 0

To be honest, if my male fiancé wanted to go to a strip club for his party, I'd let him. it's not like he's getting head or anything. it's just nakedness. besides, it's probably his friends wanting to go and he's just gone with the flow since the groom usually doesn't plan the bachelor party.

RawrNom 0

But, that could just be me. I'd feel secure enough in our relationship to know he wouldn't cheat. I'm marrying him. if you don't trust him and care about him watching a naked girl dance, then what's the point? a marriage is about trust. I hope that if I ever marry, I'd trust the person to go out with friends and get wasted and go to strip clubs, because no matter how hot the girl is, he's coming home to me. not the girl on the pole. I'm just weird like that though, if I feel insecure, then I change it lol. besides, it's kinda like watching **** in 3D glasses.

rldostie 19

DJeePee, if a person is so insecure that they worry about their SO even looking at another individual and fear their SO will be more attracted/want that other person more, then there are FAR more serious issues in the relationship than just strippers. "Trust" is not just about the physical aspect, but trust in your SO to love you, want you, find you attractive, etc. I trust, for example, that my husband loves/is attracted to me, and not just with me because he hasn't seen an more attractive woman. While I understand what you're trying to say, you're describing an unhealthy relationship and/or at least one unhealthy person in that relationship. If you're about to marry someone, you should be able to trust that said person wants to be with you and is attracted to you. Seeing other attractive people isn't going to change that.

I didn't go to the strippers on my bachelor party. strip clubs are nasty. However, my wife wouldn't care if I went, just as I wouldn't care if she went to one. IMO, we can look, but can't touch.

herpitydurteedur 0

Not replying to anyone in particular, but I thought that bachelor/ette parties were for celebrating your upcoming marriage, not the death of your single life. I mean, if you've been in a relationship long enough to get married, I don't think that being married would be much different in terms of what you can and can't do anymore :P If it were an issue of never knowing when you're onna get married until you get a call saying that you're getting married in 3 days, then I guess I'd understand because then it truly would be your last nights to be single and party and screw around.

hamncheeseinit 6

Maybe it's not a secret and it runs in the family :o

'So basically what you are implying is because you are self concise that means your soon to be husband cannot go to a strip club because it makes YOU feel insecure I can see were your coming from but it should not matter' Are you really saying it should not matter if someone makes his/her future wife/husband feel insecure? Really? I know relationships aren't perfect, but if your partner is absolutely disgusted and uncomfortable with you seeing people of the other gender naked, then you should respect that and don't go to the strippers at all. 'I trust, for example, that my husband loves/is attracted to me, and not just with me because he hasn't seen an more attractive woman. ' So do I. I think you misunderstood me a little bit. I wasn't talking about the ideal relationship, I justed wanted to point out that some people are too insecure/have other morals (not saying whether they are good or bad) to deal properly with their partner going to a strip club. I trust my boyfriend completely, but I just don't want him to look at another woman her naked ****, just like he doesn't want me to stare at another men his naked breast. Really, it would be a smack in my face. And it would make me feel insecure, yeah. Whenever we would have sex, I would think of him getting an erection from some big-breasted and perfectly shaped woman, and I wouldn't be in the mood any longer. But I don't think I have an unhealthy relationship. Sorry for this terrible long post, I'm going to sleep now.

People have different views about the importance of sex in a relationship. The fact that some people are more promiscuous and open than others does not make them any less "moral". What's immoral is being dishonest with your partner. That said, it's really only an FML for the OP if his wife didn't know he was going to a strip club, in that case a YDI. But as is, sounds like it's more of a FML for the sister....

This thread made me have a boredom attack and assume a dead body position.

morgan020 0

My husband and I go to strip clubs together. They're not that bad. Sure the one in the town we live in has "larger" girls but it's harmless. He gets fifty cent beers before 7 and we both get a laugh out of the big girls trying to not bust their butts when they can't hold themselves up on the pole. I'm secure enough in my relationship to not feel threatened by something as trivial as a strip club. When I went to Vegas this past year with my husband the ones there are a lot more fun and the women look a lot better too.

cj7jeep 1

You just have to find a man honest enough to not go...guys need morals nowadays

If you want to preech djeepee go to church. This sight is for fun and laughter not to sway people's opinions and "enlighten" them.

StopDropNRoll 11

Summary: People have different morales and values. No one is wrong for the way they choose to live their life. Just because anyone disagrees it doesn't make something wrong. You don't like the way some is doing something, great thing is you don't have to follow. Everyone go ahead and do your own shit for your bachelor party! Point is have fun and don't piss off your loved one!

121 - I don't think she spoke for all women. Just some, perhaps? I know if I get married I'd rather not know what happens at the bachelor party. And if anything should happen my fiancé would tell me. But I would trust him enough to know nothing would happen. This is in my opinion anyway...

guitgod1 11

#50 is right on the money (no pun intended) Here's a secret some of you may not know about strip clubs...the girls that work there, yeah, they don't like you. They want your money and that is why they are shaking their ass and looking at you seductively. Please don't confuse this with genuine attraction.

stuffedanimal111 0

229- that's what I was thinking!

agree. My husband takes me to a gentleman's club for my b day every year. It's fun, (can be) hot, and we both enjoy it. It's not okay to make naked bodies (to view)off limits to your spouse for life. It's natural to look and want to look. Matter of fact, it can actually improve your sex life. Your partner has more to imagine and increase arousal. If you're like my husband and me, you can talk about the thoughts you have of the naked people and again, crank up the heat! I even encourage my husband to have a gf so we can talk about their dates/sleepovers during our intimacy.

You can take the horse to the water, but you can't make it drink it...

You can take the horse to the water, but you can't make it drink it...

I think OP should avoid poking her face.

I feel like their marrige is an affair waiting to happen.

Adman567 9

Don't do anything you might regret! Who am i kidding, it's your bachelor party.

JinxosGirl87 0

Bachelor party does not mean a free pass to cheat, dumbass.

namhowell 6

Am i the only getting that is a joke here?

Awww? Did you mis-read the fml? Cause it wasn't about cute cuddly kittens.. Dudes soon-to-be wife's SISTER.. Lmao

Just my usual Saturday night, 25. ;P

truebrotrue 7

She's just testing you,act like your not interested and leave

You're right! Leave your own bachelor party, that'll show her. Wtf are you thinking? Take pictures and blackmail her if she doesn't cooperate.