By Tashie01 - 29/04/2012 10:10 - Australia
Tashie01 tells us more.
What i'd like to know is how he got pictures of me showering without me knowing. :/
Top comments
That is so creepy
Agreed #1
Did you find a video of you doing those things? It makes a great movie.
17 The roommate was one of the weirdest movies I've ever seen. Not because of the plot or anything, but it was because the movie was so utterly boring and terrible that it made the 1 and a half hour movie feel like 6 O_O.
39, then watch it while you study! 6 and a half hour knowledge with only 1 and a half hour work! :umad?:
I would actually phone the police OP.
#56 No kidding -.-
Shouldn't be looking through someone else's stuff anyway....
101- Well, she wasn't. She was looking for a DVD in her room mate's room.
104- She was... If you're going through your roommates stuff you technically are going through there things.
114- She was going through her/his ROOM! there's a difference! Oh and by the way, it's "their" not "there". Get your damn grammar right!
And yet I've been arrested for it twice.
If you have a stalker, your doing something right.
Or doing something time lock the doors if you can. Or don't be rude and invite him to take a shower or sleep with you. That seems like all he wants.
You're assuming the creeper is a male. It very well could be a psychotic female.
68 - That's even better...
You're* ... Sorry.
^ Not impressed.
73- Hei på deg, du er grei ^^
100- Learn to speak English please
72 - You're assuming OP is a male. Never assume. It makes an ass out of u and me.
Already did, thank you very much ;)
¡Si! ¿Por qué no? I'm multi languaged. Oww yeaah ^^
Is that "something" becoming a potential murder victim?
You don't say?
You're profile picture just makes your comment so much better! xD
Though it wasn't the smartest comment, I see no reason to thumb him down.
Instead of looking for your DVD, you should now probably look for a DVD of a compilation of you.
OMG ur a transformer!
How are they considered your roommate if you don't share the same room? :philosoraptor:
They could have adjacent dorm rooms with different roommates. For my dorm building, there's one suite with two sides (there's more than one suite per floor). In between, there's a shared bathroom and on each side there's one common study area and two dorm rooms as well (2 people per dorm). It could be the same for the OP for all we know. Technically speaking, I have one roommate and 5 suitemates (my suitemate living on my side of the bathroom doesn't have a roommate in his dorm room but I do in my dorm room).
60 - You forgot ":antijokechicken:" in your comment.
Perhaps he forgot the ":slowpoke:" because he apparently hasn't heard of memes yet.
120 - Why are you killing the funny? Why?
120 that is where you are wrong. :this: tells people which meme is in use, otherwise, the wrong message might be interpreted. For example, :conspiracykeanu: might have fit for my comment as well. For hashtags, however, I don't need to see #YOLO to understand that someone is a ******* idiot douchebag who thinks "swag" will get them through life. I didn't put it to look cool, I did it for clarification.
I just really hope you are joking. If not, W.O.W.
Roommate has a bit of an obsession, eh? I wonder how the roommate tried explaining them self when op brought the pictures up to him. "Uh, you are just... So photogenic!"
Pics or it didn't happen.
Blame it on the fish, works for me.
I would be scared
Look for a new roommate ..
Taken for now, but I can wait :)
Um..I can explain..?

That is so creepy
If you have a stalker, your doing something right.