By Anna - 02/10/2012 17:37 - United States - Murfreesboro
By Anna - 02/10/2012 17:37 - United States - Murfreesboro
By SwimSquid - 15/04/2009 18:38 - United States
By BrilsmurfO_O - 06/04/2009 14:12 - Netherlands
By Ania - 15/10/2011 05:13 - United States
By sierraisfucked - 02/06/2009 07:55 - United States
By Idiot - 26/05/2019 02:00
By Anonymous - 24/11/2010 07:35 - Singapore
By Anonymous - 16/08/2012 21:09 - United States
By dude, where's my balls? :( - 22/12/2012 20:25 - United States - Anchorage
By omgfmlhard - 11/05/2009 23:14 - United States
By Anonymous - 13/02/2025 03:00 - United States
Generally, qualification for first comment... 1st comment = worst comment.
The pressure of getting first comment strikes again!
The employees burst out laughing after you saw you were 17? Grammar fail.
This actually legit happened to me, except in walmart
Awh, that sucks! I have an over attached mom too! I hate that shit!
It's really funny when they want to use the cute pet names. You get to see the kids bright red in the face if they show up.
Those employees are douchebags though. There's no reason to burst out laughing in front of you and your mom, save it and laugh later instead of being a jackass.
My mother would do the same thing. I'm 19 and if we separate at a store she insists on both of us having our phones out "just in case". I feel your pain. :(
"No, I'm not going to call her cell phone, this will be much easier"
It's a possibility. I'm 16 and I have never, nor will I probably until I get a job, had a cell phone.
Well that sucks.
51 according to whoever put you at -1 you are lying and everyone anywhere owns a cell phone at any age.
Woah guys, sorry for the über lame comment. I honestly don't even remember posting that. Damn, I need some sleep.
68- You do realize 62 was being sarcastic, right?
Yes 68 because a homeless person's favorite thing to do is to walk into best buy and look at the things they can't have.
I used to work at Best Buy and something like this happened once. Except it was more like, "TELL JESSE THAT I'M LOOKING FOR HIM AND IF HE IS NOT UP HERE IN FIVE MINUTES, HE HAS TO WALK HOME." Good times.
If you're 17 and got lost at Best Buy, I'm going to guess that it has happened more than once. Sounds like mama had a good reason to call you to the front.
I've gotten lost in a large Walmart once when I was 24. They're tricky to navigate.
The Best Buys I've been in are pretty big. Maybe OP just stopped to look at something and they just got separated and OP either a) doesn't have a cell phone, b) their cell was dead or not on them, or c) mom didn't try calling the phone in the first place and instead flipped out and ran to an employee.
I've gotten lost in large stores dozens of times. Getting lost does not equate to being slow , it sometimes just happens.
Moms are awesome at embarassing people -_-
My brother and sister really embarrassed my mom once. They wanted her to come to the front of the store so the called her over the intercom by a fake name that she would know. The name was Anita Bath. I'm not saying she needed a bath but she knew their kind of humor.
Agreed :o My boyfriend was with me and my mum when we were camping and she kept asking me if I wanted to go put on her "sexy see-through shirt for him". It was funny but I didn't get embarrassed.. I almost did, but no xD
You are 14... Your Mom is a C*NT!!!
You should have acted special to save face. Then again..
Is it bad that I actually found that quite funny :S *conflicted*
Awh, that sucks! I have an over attached mom too! I hate that shit!
"No, I'm not going to call her cell phone, this will be much easier"