FML for mobile
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By Anonymous - 04/06/2013 07:11 - United States - Rainier

Today, I received a prank phone call that woke me up. I actually kept them on the line because they were the first person to call me in weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 331
You deserved it 6 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can always add yourself to local church group's calling lists. They'll talk to you all the time!

Some people are just really bad at making friends and extremely shy. They might also not want to call others unless they know they are friends because they don't want to 'annoy'. Even if it was a lack of effort on OP's part, the feeling of complete loneliness is one of the worst possible feelings.


I never understand these kinds of FMLs. Doesn't your family call you at least?? It must be so lonely :(

I agree. Last I heard, phones usually "dial out" too. OP should just call everyone on their phone list and if they're not there, leave a message to call you back. If no one returns the calls-- only then will I feel sorry for them.

Some people are just really bad at making friends and extremely shy. They might also not want to call others unless they know they are friends because they don't want to 'annoy'. Even if it was a lack of effort on OP's part, the feeling of complete loneliness is one of the worst possible feelings.

ohioain 18

That's so true. You pretty much explained me. Lol!!

You can always add yourself to local church group's calling lists. They'll talk to you all the time!

This is true! My grandparents church back home, which I haven't been to in at least 6 years, still calls me every week to "chat" lol

or join some sport or activity. Get out some and make some friends that has common interest aswell as getting some exercise.

blcksocks 19

Or you can create an online quote on all state insurance by listing your phone number and you get quite a few calls on how 15 minutes can save you up to 15% on car insurance.

Sometimes there's no one to call..

That's bull there is always someone to call people are just lazy and they don't want to put the effort in. You can't complain about something if you do the same exact thing

And like I said before this bull because there is always someone to call ! People are to lazy to make any effort to communicate with one another. And you can't complain about something if you do the same thing !

Sometimes people want to be wanted, it's not so much that OP has no one to talk to, nobody wants to talk to OP :(

RedPillSucks 31

Who you gonna call? Ghost busters!

maybe take into consideration that OP could be an asshole? maybe op is just not very nice and unpleasant. or maybe op is really nice and in that case this is sad, try calling someone for a change op?

I never get called but that's because everyone seems to use Facebook as their main source of communication.

gloooooria 14

I'm glad I don't have a Facebook for that reason. I like getting phone calls from people in my life. I also enjoy calling them as well. Nothing beats a good ol' fashion phone call.

AW OP that really sucks, maybe you could try hooking up with some friends from school? idk, that really sucks tho, I feel ya. my mother doesn't even call me

gloooooria 14

Call her and say hello! :) My mom doesn't call me because she says I'm always busy when she does, which is true. So I call her when I can and we're both happy ;)

challan 19

OP, you need to get out there and make some friends! We're all nice here, except when we're belittling other op's! Take a chance once in awhile and meet someone!

People don't call me either. But I don't think I'd ever talk to a prank caller after they woke me up. I'd hang up and go back to sleep. After a few choice swears.

You don't have telemarketers calling and bothering you? Consider yourself lucky.