By Anonymous - 18/10/2013 17:30 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I woke up with a raging hangover. I soon checked my phone, only to find that I'd drunkenly sent nude pictures to several friends' numbers, as well as to my own. I'd then replied to my own message, saying that I'm not gay and telling myself to fuck off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 412
You deserved it 44 223

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you even rejected yourself through beer goggles that's saying something.


Atleast he knows he doesn't go for guys when he's drunk, right?

then000bster 16

The amount of OP epicness while drunk is legendary. I should go study under him as a drunk apprentice.

rebellionwars 11

This made sense until you made up a word; drunkeness?

Snide_Sniper 3

55-I hate to break it to you but drunkenness is a word. In short, it is the state of being drunk. If you're going to correct someone, a quick google search to verify your infornation never hurts. Especially as you're already online.

Sweetpea22 14

Have done worst than that. As long as you had fun it's great.

#56 while I agree with you, you should have fixed your post, too. You wrote infornation rather than information.

If only we all could one day be that drunk too.

Dawnstempest 17
euphoricness 28

No, 11. It's hilariously ******.

RedPillSucks 31

Set it as the background picture on your phone as a reminder to yourself to never be that stupid again the next time you get drunk.

He'd probably just see it and tell his phone to **** off because he's not gay.

hockeygoalie13 15

At least you didn't need someone else to remind you of what happened the night before!

If you even rejected yourself through beer goggles that's saying something.

ColbyGB 13

Got drunk, Got some nudes...sounds like a good night to me!

I have to say, most FMLs beginning with a sentence about having a "raging hangover" or being excessively drunk usually end with a "raging YDI."

happyfingers 15

I don't know if I could be friends with someone after they drunkenly sent me nudes >.>