By Anonymous - 18/10/2013 17:30 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I woke up with a raging hangover. I soon checked my phone, only to find that I'd drunkenly sent nude pictures to several friends' numbers, as well as to my own. I'd then replied to my own message, saying that I'm not gay and telling myself to fuck off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 412
You deserved it 44 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you even rejected yourself through beer goggles that's saying something.


Mysterious_one 26

oh my... u were soo drunk dude.. at least u still have your phone...

Well I think you learned a lesson there...

sounds like something I would do....talking/texting myself not the sending nudes....I think.....

As soon as I read that you woke up with a raging hangover I knew you deserved it. You could have done something a lot worse during your booze binge and not remember. Maybe you did.

buttcramp 21

Please next time you get drunk... Make a video ! I picture you so well taking pics of your junk et be like "who's this f* sick bastard sending me pics of his dick !!! " from an outside point of view.. It's gold !

One of the few fmls I've literally laughed out loud at...and can unfortunately relate to haha

I feel you Bro Just last night I texted my dream girl confessing my feelings

jtaha 2

This is the best FML yet! Lmfao!