By Anonymous - 18/10/2013 17:30 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I woke up with a raging hangover. I soon checked my phone, only to find that I'd drunkenly sent nude pictures to several friends' numbers, as well as to my own. I'd then replied to my own message, saying that I'm not gay and telling myself to fuck off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 412
You deserved it 44 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you even rejected yourself through beer goggles that's saying something.


Goblin182 26

Any and all FMLs that happen "while drunk" get an automatic YDI. Its a self inflicted wound.

I love that you not only sent them to yourself but you replied too!!! That's gold :)

People like you are going to ruin this country big time. Future generation is going to be pathetic, you better don't get married and make babies.

Ok, here's the skinny: Anything you do as a result of drinking too much IS YOUR FAULT. Including the raging hangover. Especially the hangover. Don't complain about it; no one force-fed you drinks.

am i the only one that wants to know what OP friends got to say about this?.. but seriously this is the best FML ever:D:D<3!!

It's OK to text yourself, just don't answer yourself but since you did, just stay away from the bottle.

That was hilarious! To have your phone with you when drunk is soooo bad. i Always panic the day after and check all my messages. Once I woke up to messages like "mooooo" and "cluck cluck" and had no idea what drunk me had done.