By Anonymous - 12/02/2015 16:50 - Romania - Bucharest

Today, my boyfriend threw a fit because I "still" live with my mother at age 30. I bought her an apartment in my building and hired a live-in nurse because she is senile and permanently bedridden. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 337
You deserved it 2 547

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're the logical one here OP. And you might want to get him a nurse too. He seems a little senile himself.

Wow, your boyfriend sounds like an asshole. You're a great daughter for taking the best possible care of your mother even if she is senile. Keep doing what you're doing, OP.


You're the logical one here OP. And you might want to get him a nurse too. He seems a little senile himself.

he sounds like an ass. I hope this isn't a long term relationship. what a silly thing to be upset over is her boyfriend 12?

Have.... Have you tried explaining it to him?

If she is bed ridden and in need of the services of a live in professional care giver then he really shouldn't need it to be explained to him, it doesn't take a genius to figure it out. So not only is he an immature jackass, but possibly a complete idiot as well.

Did he know all of this before or after the fit?

Does it really matter? Adults shouldn't just throw fits like that.

You are a good daughter and he should be happy to know you take care of the ones you love. Your boyfriend is the one that needs to grow up.

I can understand it's frustrating to date someone who is compassionate and takes care of their family. He should definitely dump you. Op you should grow up and treat your family like shit so you boyfriend could be the centre of attention.

SuperMew 22

She should be ashamed of herself to waste money on someone she loves. That apartment should house the boyfriend's ego

How dare she divert some of her attention towards her "loved one" who is "in need"? That attention needs to be focused solely on him, where it belongs. How very selfish of her, how does she live with herself?

Wow, your boyfriend sounds like an asshole. You're a great daughter for taking the best possible care of your mother even if she is senile. Keep doing what you're doing, OP.

I am proud that you have stepped up to care for your mother like that. Please, do not let his childish demeanor get you down. If someone has to be that immature when it comes to something like that, they really won't understand or don't care to. I'm hoping it works out for you, what ever direction you decide to choose.

If he is actually loves you, he will understand and stop being a whining ****. You are doing nothing wrong, OP. Keep going! If he does not understand, you are better off without him.

olpally 32

What a selfish prick. God forbid you take care of your mother. Smack him for being a heartless ****.