By EaglEye - 02/11/2016 08:29

Today, I found out that even though I suffer from insomnia most days, I can sleep within 5 minutes of studying Solid Mechanics, especially when I have an end term the next day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 370
You deserved it 877

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On the good side, you just found a cure for your insomnia.

Sure, this is an FML now, but one day we'll all feel privileged to have read such an early draft of the award-winning, industry-changing "Impact of Solid Mechanics on Abnormal Circadian Rhythms".


On the good side, you just found a cure for your insomnia.

Sure, this is an FML now, but one day we'll all feel privileged to have read such an early draft of the award-winning, industry-changing "Impact of Solid Mechanics on Abnormal Circadian Rhythms".

If only Hooke's Law were about hookers, it'd be a lot more titillating!

Studying for an exam often does that. I remember being sleep deprived during an exam, I literally slept during the exam and flunk the subject.

Look on the bright side, only 3 more sleeps till Christmas :D

stressengr 13

Change degrees. It gets worse in the industry. Trust me, I do solid mechanics as a living.

Maybe you should try studying right after you wake up. That way there's less of a chance that it'll just put you to sleep. Then like others have said, use it as a sleep mechanism once the class is over :)

orangejubejube 20

On a more serious note, you should try talking to a health care provider about this; lack of sleep can have some pretty wonky affects on your health. Though before trying pharmaceuticals/sleeping pills, consider trying supplements such as magnesium, melatonin, etc. as they can be effective without such harsh side effects. Something to look into :)

This actually sounds stunningly familiar to me. It started with falling asleep in my materials class then moved to all other areas of life - classes, the bus, homework. A year and a half later, turns out I had a vitamin B deficiency. Of course, my issue was falling asleep not NOT falling asleep... Go to your doctor and have an extensive blood test. That should tell you if you're deficient in anything. Good luck OP!

Congratulations on your discovery. The cure to insomnia will benefit all of humanity.

Why is the "This could've happened to me" button missing here? I mean not all of us would've slept reading solid mechanics... Some of us could've slept reading economics, law, Shakespeare, Power Electronics, or any of the other thousands of subjects before an exam.