By UnluckyTeen - 22/10/2009 11:29 - Singapore

Today, I went to retrieve my stolen wallet from a train station. After I collected it, I returned to the place where I'd parked my bike, only to find that my bike had been stolen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 868
You deserved it 3 412

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for not taking the time to secure the bike. At least you got your wallet back to buy a new bike.

fabriqate 0

When i bough a bike, the seller assured me that it was very safe until he acknowledged which university i belonged to. and persuade me to use at least two locks.


Stop going where black people congrigate!

Mumblstiltskin 0

Wow, your ignorance is ASTOUNDING! Way to perpetuate a stereotype, ********.

wellinever 5

Not cool AussFart. Besides, the OP is from Singapore - there are probably fewer black people there than where you are from. Bikes and wallets get stolen the whole world over. I guess all our lives suck.

Ajjas013 6

At least you got your wallet back.

Yaaa24 0

You raciest stupid asshole. #1 You really need to stop being so fukking ignorant. That shit isn't funny you should like an idiot.

He should LOVE an idiot! But not reproduce with her. That would be bad.

blland 0

Stop posting where people think racial discrimination is wrong!

YDI for not taking the time to secure the bike. At least you got your wallet back to buy a new bike.

Not sure who exactly keeps burying me alive. Thanks for the shoveling, although I am out of cash to pay for your services...

Your deserve to be buried. He never said he didn't secure the bike.

Exactly! All it takes to lock up a bike is a few seconds.

YDI and FYL. Locks aren't difficult to buy and use.

Prawn_fml 2

He might have been unable to lock the bike to something. Doesn't mean he didn't lock it at all. People do steal locked bikes too, y'know?

fabriqate 0

When i bough a bike, the seller assured me that it was very safe until he acknowledged which university i belonged to. and persuade me to use at least two locks.

blland 0

the trick is to get a really old second hand bike. I don't even lock mine. All other bikes are being stolen (wheel by wheel) but mine remains untouched.

Ikr. No one wants an old rusted bike. Anyone would rather have that shiny sturdy looking bike over that bike that looks like its about to fall apart.

thats some bad karma you got on your hands.


YDI for not chaining up your bike to prevent it stupid

ovyind 0

Actually, chaining up the bike isn't all that good a solution. It takes on average 5 seconds to cut through chains, or a regular bike-lock for that sake.