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By Araya - 17/11/2009 16:12 - United Kingdom

Today, I had a pig kidney dissection in Biology. I see a 'sack' which appeared to contain a liquid. Being the curious type, I cut open the sack, spraying said liquid over me and my desk. My teacher, after giggling, informed me that the liquid was in fact urine. I was pissed on by a dead pig. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 292
You deserved it 38 963

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you seriously think that there would be something good in that sack.

kitties_fml 12

dude. you don't just go around slicing open sacks of liquid in dead pigs. YDI


bexox 0

I dissected a sheep brain today.

suaveneanderthal 0

I find it very hard to believe that the very small urinary bladder of a pig fetus had enough urine in it to squirt out upon you when you cut it... maybe it was another organ you cut?

Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that, #14. The fluids they use to preserve specimens can also be quite messy, and if you're using one hand to hold down the organ and the other to cut, you could squirt any fluids inside all over yourself. Try filling a balloon with water, poking a hole in it with a pin, and then squeezing it. See what happens.

Eeheeheee, just like when we dissected fish! Squirt fights ftw Also, OP, HAAAHAW but that's what you get for not paying attention when they went over the organs.

Unless you get some cheap-ass pigs, they clean the body fluids out of the pigs. The only fluids in there, besides water, are the ones that preserve the bodies. They would not leave urine in a pig, because urine is all waste products (they hurt the preservation of the body).

Celt729 1

They never said "fetus", only pig kidney. Just because general dissection is usually a pig fetus or rat doesn't mean there can't be more specified dissections. Like the sheep brain, or a cow's eye, pig heart. YDI btw. Who pokes around randomly in a kidney? Obviously you don't know what they're for.

Regardless of it just being a kidney or the entire pig fetus, they would still empty out the fluids before shipping them out for dissection purposes.

In my high school, the teacher would just go to a butchers shop and get something... we disected some heart once and a fish... She's from U.K so maybe it was the same....

Celt729 1

When we dissected, they always came in a bucket full of fluid. Maybe that's what came out?

Sun_Kissed18 25

Ok, I really had to stop eating after reading all of this...

Ellowise_fml 0

I held a human brain ;) Just be careful next time during dissections

kitties_fml 12

dude. you don't just go around slicing open sacks of liquid in dead pigs. YDI

Real biology nerds do - it's how you distinguish between the "I'm such a nerrrrd LOL" types and the truly awesome science people. Curiosity for the win! *high fives OP*

Did you seriously think that there would be something good in that sack.

Why were you cutting open the bladder if you were supposed to be dissecting the kidney? Also, why did they give you an entire pig (I assume it was probably a baby pig) if you only need the kidney? Seems like they could get a bunch of kidneys from a slaughterhouse for far less money than entire pigs.

It was only the Pig Kidney - I bought it from Morrisons, a local supermarket. It was a little sack within the kidney :/

I really don't know where to begin with your comment. Did Ellowise take your brain?? You might wanna lay off the rye bread.

ISellHerbs 0

An author actually replied for once. Kill me now.

AntiChrist7 0

That last line is the best: "I was pissed on by a dead pig" LOL.

Well now, that gives a whole new meaning to "hog wash."