By Araya - 17/11/2009 16:12 - United Kingdom

Today, I had a pig kidney dissection in Biology. I see a 'sack' which appeared to contain a liquid. Being the curious type, I cut open the sack, spraying said liquid over me and my desk. My teacher, after giggling, informed me that the liquid was in fact urine. I was pissed on by a dead pig. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 291
You deserved it 38 959

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you seriously think that there would be something good in that sack.

kitties_fml 12

dude. you don't just go around slicing open sacks of liquid in dead pigs. YDI


Hey, at least the "sac" wasn't the cecum.

OP should get a medal, Dissections are gross enough anyway. I remember in my school we once had to disect a cow eyeball, i cut it too hard, it pinged off the desk and hit my friend in the face. Oh and OP is British also so he is cool. Peace up XD

LemonFairy 0

OP did get a medal. It's next to their username when they post. XD

Eyeball? Eww. xP Hahah Yeah, we English tend to be cool. Hardly close to what most Americans assume. Remember Sid Vicious? Most of us hate the Royal Family. xD except old people for some reason.

FYL xD that sucks that you didn't know what it was. Next time ask before you do that stuff LOL

i_is_a_tr00l 0

...At least it wasn't his baby-making liquid.

sjp092 0

I bet even the pig laughed at you. Hehe

FruityLoooons 8

Yeah, because dead pigs can totally laugh.

the pig didn't piss on you, you bathed in the piss.. why the **** would you spray unknown bodily juice on everyone?

Overachiever. Lol I would've probably done the same thing. Love the last sentence. And London. Whoa, that was unnecessary.