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By analinguist - 20/02/2010 19:04 - United States

Today, while playing Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, my phone rang, and I instinctively tried to pick it up with the Force. I kept trying until it stopped ringing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 918
You deserved it 45 924

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Um yea, next time don't give darth vadar your number and you won't have to worry about your callers undermining your great powers.


Playing that game, Sir was a bad descision, it sucks.

how is it a fml? either answere yr damn phone normaly u don't possess the force all call back the called id

How can you say that? this game is decent :D

ComMed 0
zebra_pillow 0

lol just walk through automatic doors you'll feel better cause at least they will move when you try to use the force

Enoch134 0

I walked into an automatic door before then it opened

the OP sounds like the kind of person who would try to slam a revolving door if they were angry

Maddoctor 10

Wow, how is it that NONE of your people's comments have anything to do with mine? At least make them relevant when trying to get them at the top of the page.

For your sake, I sure do hope nothing POPPED OUT while using "THE FORCE" -dramatic background music- 

the game is incredible, the fml is retarded.

may the force be with you young Jedi!!

Um yea, next time don't give darth vadar your number and you won't have to worry about your callers undermining your great powers.

zebra_pillow 0

The best I've ever done is unconsciously think "ctrl z" after jacking something up. Therefore, you are by far more awesome than I am. (This 'fml' made my day.)

hahahaha lol yee may the force be with u FYL

At least we know the person calling wasn't a girl.

Enoch134 0

win lol but doubt u get much either

im not getting it... there must be something i missed. maybe its the fact that i have never seen starwars?

The force is like Telekinesis or ESP. Able to move objects with your mind, sense "Dark things" to come and flip yourself around. Jedi are ninja's in backwards snuggies. Sometimes they have mullets. The point is Op was so engrossed in his game he tried to summon his phone using his "powers."

Aggriken 0

this seems like it belongs more on MLIA.

Exactly! They're always talking about Star Wars and Harry Potter.

PsychoMerk 0

I go for the nerds ;) they're the best.

Guerilla8 0