By humorizer - 12/09/2012 08:44 - United States - Mansfield
humorizer tells us more.
^ Yard sale. My parents always complain that I hoard too much junk (they never get the idea behind why I have so many different controllers for my NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, Wii, PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360, etc)... and demand that I throw away all the controllers and only keep "one or two since that's all you need". And don't get me started on chargers... they think all I need is one single charger to take care of my multitude of laptops and game consoles and cameras... So when they see a 'worthless picture frame' (which I believe had an image of the Bronte sisters as the default on the lock screen the last time I saw it), they think they're doing me a favor by getting me money by selling a 'picture frame [I] just leave laying around on the floor'.
Top comments
Demand that she buys you a new one.

That's when you burn her house down, and say your fire for my "Fire"... See what I did there..? Kindle... Fire... Ugh humanity nowadays -.-
ill probably get voted down for this but, what is a kindle?
15, it's an e-reader, electronic reader, it is basically a library in your hand, you store books you want to read on it.
Totally random but 15 is your pic from WOW?
why yes, yes it is also cheers #19 i didnt have a clue
Lol I am such a nerd
or, you could go back to reading good ol paper books. my family owns a bookstore and since the kindle came out we are barely scraping by. sad, really.
30, I know what you mean. My dad used to sell Encyclopedias and now with Google and such, who wants a bunch of dusty outdated books? ):
I love book real paper books!!! Always will
"ill probably get voted down for this but, what is a kindle?" You know, ironically I actually changed the details from the actual device (A Barnes and Noble nook) to a Kindle in hopes that my fml wouldn't be lost since no one would get what I meant by nook, but I guess I was wrong either way.
It's a tablet that you can load and read books on
I would demand she replace it... I have a Kindle & I absolutely love it. I do adore my paper books, but I'm a very very fast reader. The last time I pushed myself, I read over 120 books in one month. Carrying the Kindle is far easier than several paperbacks, but if I really enjoy a book, I always buy it in paper form as well.
I love my nook!
I love the smell of a bookstore and the adventure of browsing the shelf finding that new book that you never knew existed but now you can't live with out. I really hope you and your family make it down with the e-readers
I do have a kindle but I absolutely love the feeling of turning a page and the smell of a new book. You can't get that satisfaction with a kindle!
if your reading that fast, your not actually reading it's more like skimming. YOu get all the words but you probably forget things a lot more and a lot sooner
There are actually people who can read that fast and retain the depends on the person...some people have amazing minds...people with Eidetic memory can recall pretty much anything that they've ever seen...heard...etc. They can do this in great detail as well.
I don't skim through the books &, if the book truly interested me, I can recall many details from it. I have far from an Eidetic memory (seeing as how I can remember birthdays worth a damn), but I've always had a gift for reading. My mind just seems to process the information at a high rate & retain about 90% of it... Strange, I suppose, but everyone has talents.
"You know, ironically I actually changed the details from the actual device (A Barnes and Noble nook) to a Kindle in hopes that my fml wouldn't be lost since no one would get what I meant by nook" Then you deserved it for buying a nook instead of a kindle, now go on and order a kindle :).
averaging 4books a day? ur a speed demon!
If you like books, you'll hate eReaders, but if you like reading, you'll love them. It's hard the beat the convenience of having dozens of books at your fingertips
I love my nook!
Sadly, I don't even buy new books anymore. There's nothing interesting coming out nowadays anyway. Most of my money goes to second-hand and antique bookstores.
i would just like to say i dont fell likr your comment should have so many thumbs downs, it seems kinda rude.
Parents these days
#164 Except when you move to a new house/flat.
I only read paper books.....unless of course there is a book my local barnes and noble doesnt carry then I use my moms kindle
I know, I really prefer paper books, a lot easier to read in bed and better on the eyes.

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Show it anywayI don't understand why she would sell a picture frame in the first place. If she really had a problem with it why wouldn't she just throw away? Even if it had been just a picture frame this would be stupid.
My thoughts exactly 25. Did she have a yard sale and throw it in with the sale pile ? Or did she post on Craigslist : picture frame $1? In which case who would reply to that( unless she included a pic?)?
^ Yard sale. My parents always complain that I hoard too much junk (they never get the idea behind why I have so many different controllers for my NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, Wii, PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360, etc)... and demand that I throw away all the controllers and only keep "one or two since that's all you need". And don't get me started on chargers... they think all I need is one single charger to take care of my multitude of laptops and game consoles and cameras... So when they see a 'worthless picture frame' (which I believe had an image of the Bronte sisters as the default on the lock screen the last time I saw it), they think they're doing me a favor by getting me money by selling a 'picture frame [I] just leave laying around on the floor'.
OP I love that we are actually able to get answers to our questions.
Damn op I'm sorry, but in that case where do you live and when is your next garage sale?I'm there!
OP, my parents are the exact same. I pretended to have thrown away all of my mothers shampoo and some other stuff she puts in her hair, along with her many hanbags, purses etc etc and explained to her why I thought they were useless, as she explained why she thought my belongings were useless. Try that. My mum always had malicious intent, she stomped on a few of my toys as I was building them, because she literally thought I was going to play with 200 pieces of junk rather than make a big toy out of them.
What a nightmare. YLS.
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Show it anywayHoly shit your parents are brain dead..
You do sound like a horder...
That really sucks doode, you should get her back by selling that really big moving picture frame in the sitting room
#28, if you're going to speak of the great Dumbledore, make sure you spell that shit correctly. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore is not impressed.
Severus Snape does not teach English. After all, he is a potions master for a reason. I recommend you don't take up Divination anytime soon, young chap. I'm afraid you might lack the inner eye.
"That is one hell of a deal that random person got." Yeah... He's a real prick, too. He not only got ahold of my nook for pennies on the dollar, but he also got my collection of e-textbooks I was using for classes. As for selling the frame with the moving pictures... I bought that myself, too. The parents don't like buying technology.
OP, you said it was a Kindle; how is it now a Nook...?
Gosh, go read the thread on the first comment. More people know what a Kindle is than a Nook.
I feel like an idiot now
Don't worry about it, buddy! You just weren't reading all the comments; I can understand fully; I don't go around reading every comment I see either. Totally understandable reaction to my original FML. The actual device in question was indeed a nook, but I did put down Kindle as I decided more people would recognize that device. (I was imagining a moderator would say "What? Your nook was sold? What does a corner in a room have to do with selling a picture? Screw it, I'm declining this fml." :P
Actually, the guy got a copy of some books. He did not get your account. You can deauthorize a device at any time. You can download the books on multiple interfaces at any time. You never "lost" anything but the physical device itself.
So tell me PenguinBitch...How does it feel to get owned on every statement you decide to make? Lol
Penguinbitch, just...aaagh. It's a bit out of place here; I would just stop.
No one can be that stupid, it doesn't even look like a picture frame.
Sell the tv and say, "I sold that huge empty picture frame that was in your room"
These types of moments you should stop and ask yourself, what would Jesus do? Damn kindle
I would just break down in tears if this happened to me. I love my kindle.
Why are most girls such babies who cares its just a kindle.
46 - Kindles cost money. Oh and how do you know 6 is a girl?
Is there a rule that guys can't cry? As a matter of fact, I've downloaded over 400 books on my kindle, which roughly translates to $3000 (although most are free ebooks). That is what I would hate to lose.
"hey I sold the blinking box that was taking up your shelf!" "WTF THAT WAS MY PS3!!"
I would be angry and maybe upset if my mother got rid of my kindle (if I had one and was attached) but I think crying over it would be kind of much. That's just me though.
Believe it or not, but I'm most definitely a male geek. I bought the nook in hopes of saving money for textbooks (it worked! Well... till this happened, I guess). Luckily, though, the nook was too small for me, so I had ended up buying the full size Kindle DX Graphite. So at this point I guess losing the nook wasn't TOO big of an issue. Still sucks though; I had that thing rooted to run android and could have sold for at least $60. Edit: Also, regarding the guy that got voted down: I think he was referring to the person on this thread that said "I'd cry if my kindle was sold".
51: All your books are tied to your account, not the device -- you'd lose the device, not the books, and you could just redownload them.
73: Wait, what? Why?!? Why would you buy a device from a different platform? Now you'd need to rebuy any books you had on the Nook, while if you just got another Nook you'd be able to redownload it all.
134- actually, as OP stated, THEY paid for the nook themselves, And not all kids make mommy and daddy pay for everything.... I worked all summer at 15 for my $400 laptop, AND my $250 ipod, AND my $500 Marching Band dues this year, so don't underestimate teens, because my parents certainly wont buy me anything expensive on my own. I earn what I own.
Someone just got a great deal.
I'm not going to lie, I'd buy it for a buck. If it was broken, I'd keep the battery, if it was outdated, I'd re sell it, if it was stolen... Oh well, I didn't steal It.
And honestly, I'd have done the same thing in the guy's situation. In fact, I kind of did. A guy at a flea market was selling a TI-94 (a reaaallly huge graphing calculator with a full keyboard on it and even a directional pad!). He said it didn't work (something about the screen coming out blank), but that he'd be willing to give it to me for $8. I was very low on cash back then (I was a high schooler with no income and I had to ask my parents for money for everything... and you can tell how much they hate technology), but I went back to my parents at their flea market table and asked them for $8 and some batteries. After some debating, I scored myself $8 and some batteries. I went back to the guy and asked him if he'd be ok with me testing the device first (I wanted to see how badly it was broken). The guy told me that he'd be fine with that, so I put in fresh batteries. I got a black screen. I recall in my days of trolling, I used to set monitor contrasts to 0 and brightness on 0 to make them look dead. So I held the calculator up to where he couldn't see what I was doing and located the keystroke to making the contrast lower (or higher? I forget which version is right). The homescreen showed up just fine. I told the guy I'd go ahead and take it; but set it back to black so that he didn't change his mind or didn't feel bad for selling a working calculator for so low before lowering it to where he could see it. I left with what I believe was a $100 calculator (if brand new; $80 for the condition at which I bought it) for $8. I still have that thing; never actually used it for school though. Haha. I could have saved $8 I guess if I hadn't "scammed" that poor guy. My nook experience is just desserts, I guess? :P
One word for your last post op : karma.
Why would she even bother to sell it for $1 instead of throwing it out, why would she feel the need to sell it if it was clearly something you liked, and who the hell is stupid enough to think a kindle is a picture frame? This fml doesn't add up for me.
I know we're not supposed to cry foul on FML's, but this makes no sense
I wouldn't have bought it at that price because I would assume it was either outdated or broken... Or stolen.

Demand that she buys you a new one.
That really sucks doode, you should get her back by selling that really big moving picture frame in the sitting room