By Brony - 22/10/2011 20:25 - United States
Same thing different taste
By LesboLover - 26/06/2019 02:30
By Anonymous - 09/10/2010 01:57 - United States
By Why? - 05/03/2015 22:34 - United States - Broomfield
By anon - 22/05/2015 02:22 - United Kingdom - Birmingham
Pecking order of shame
By We're men! We don't grow up, we just grow old. - 24/09/2023 02:00 - Philippines - Makati City
By I suck :( - 07/05/2014 21:25 - United States - Louisville
With friends like these…
By Anonymous - 05/02/2025 03:00 - United States - Syracuse
By Shamu - 27/02/2011 19:28 - United States
By Anonymous - 08/10/2016 13:20 - United States - Lynchburg
By Anonymous - 28/08/2010 23:40 - United States
Top comments

My little pony is amazing!! No need to be ashamed. Bronies for life.
And grown ass men. Don't hate, appreciate.
LOL your pic is a my little pony :P
Hell yeah!!
The main audience for my My Little Pony is 18-35 year old men. Just sayin'....
It's just a really funny non cheesy 'kids' cartoon. My 21 year old boyfriend and I watch it all the time together. It has a lot of adult references like disney movies have.
Episode 4 of season 2! :3 Why is this an FML?! I go round school singing the opening song! And one of my best friends has been painting the characters in his art class. Be proud of being a brony!
Clop clop clop
woah woah woah… my little pony is a show? jeez I thought it was just a toy with a really catchy commercial song :s today I learned my little pony is a show…fml
74 - go watch it nao! full episodes available on youtube
I go around school singing them too! :D
there're different degrees of finding this out? what's the easy way an intervention or did they like spray paint FAG on your mattress?
Is it just me or did 90% of the My Little Pony fans come out of the woodwork from this FML? Nice.
It's practically impossible to describe the awesomeness you just have to watch it
101 You have nooo idea how popular this show is. From what I've gathered, there's at least a dozen fans in every country (that have TV/internet access of course.)
wow...grown men watch my little pony more now than I did when I was a 7 year old little girl...
Chin Chong Wing Wow
a dozen is only.. 12? that aint a lot.
I love that your profile picture is Rainbow Dash. I like Fluttershy best though...
Care Bears ain't got nothin on Rainbow Dash!!
Agreed. seriously, own it. MLP is the best animated show in existence.
My friends and I watch that shit like no tomorrow. My mother asked me what I wanted for Christmas, and I couldn't decide between new carpet for my house or pony shirts.
hell yea
153 - What country does not have TV access, dumbass?
Brohoof motherfuckers!
Knew I would be facepalming at all the fmlers who don't know it's a meme and people actually watch it :/
Everybody needs a guilty pleasure! At least it's not ****.
220 Oh, I don't know... maybe extremely poor countries and tribal onces that don't even ******* wear clothes yet. Dumbass.
Hell yeah
And then I was like. Oatmeal are your crazy?
All the my little pony profile pictures just kept appearing and I couldn't stop laughing. Lolol.
Only kids watch My Little Ponies.... You know what's for men? CARE BARES
Yea buddy!
holy crap... I thought this was all a joke but there are ACTUALLY men who watches MLP... O_o
Any pegasisters here?
This fml so at least 20% cooler than the rest
Time to watch MLP :3.
Aww yeah, bronies ftw.
My little pony, my little pony. Ahhhahhhahhhhhh... My little pony. I used to wonder what friendship could be.
So does everyone get really high before they watch the show or something?
One word to shut you all up CUPCAKES
*brohoofs all the bronies and hands out zap-apple jam*
What's wrong with ****?
bronies and mlp suck
maybe he got hard at the thought of them knowing. like he has a fetish or something...
Why does that suck? Mlp is really popular among a lot of people. 3 of my friends and myself watch it, and we're in 8th grade. One of the guys in my class watches it too. No one judges. :/ it isn't bad.
that is the first funny comment for this FML. Thks girl!
Just FYI everyone judges, some people are just decent enough not to voice their opinion as long as you aren't shoving yours down our throat
weo weo ashe
Oh Dunkey!
Or they're repulsed by the possible diddler, watching a cartoon meant for little girls... But it's cool we knew what you meant.
Hey Tmartn, never thought I'd see a YouTube commentator on Here :)
Are you the REAL Tmartn or just a fan?
They're just jealous because the OP is 20% cooler than them.
What's so wrong about that? Let's see how many of us on here will admit to watching it. BRONIES AND PEGASISTERS UNITE!! *brohoof*
Let's take over FML! STORM THE GATES!
Pegasister forever and ever and ever and ever and I think that's enough :D And ever!!
Damn straight.
Today, we take FML... Tomorrow, the world!
I just lost brain cells from reading that chain of comments
Proud pegasister here!
Today, I found out my adult roommate watches My Little Pony. I have to live with this guy. FML
My Little Pony is amazing
Your life just got 20% cooler.
the theme song is now stuck in my head
Eh, I prefer Transformers Prime instead.
Bronies be mad.
What's wrong with Transformers Prime? It's a good show! :(
looool fag

My little pony is amazing!! No need to be ashamed. Bronies for life.
What's so wrong about that? Let's see how many of us on here will admit to watching it. BRONIES AND PEGASISTERS UNITE!! *brohoof*