By lovefortoday - 13/03/2012 16:50 - United States
lovefortoday tells us more.
It was the one on my left wrist of a butterfly and flowers. The other one is a dolphin and flowers. I was unaware that butterflies and dolphins where evil. They were for my Mom and Step-Mom.
Top comments
probably drunk
At least you've got someone praying for you...
That's when you turn around to him and say you are the devil and you're going to devour his soul - reaction would be priceless!
One time a couple years back I was walking to school and a woman said to me. "Do you believe in Jesus Christ?" Then I said. "Yes?" And than I started walking again and then she sprinted up and grabbed me and yelled. DO YOU BELIVE IN JESUS CHRIST, HIS HOLY SON OUR LORD! ect... That day haunted me for years. O_o
It was probably because he was looking at your 999 tattoo from the wrong angle.
LOL (._.) /(._.)/
67- Yeah, bro. And if you dial '666' in the UK three cops show up standing on their heads.
First time I've seen an op comment on their own fml. What an honor
That's when you look at him and say, yes bitch, I'll be seeing you in hell......sooon
I COMPLETELY understand. I have the Greek signs for Alpha and Omega on my left wrist and have been told countless times that since I have "the Lord's" symbol tattooed on me, it was to signify the devil. Yeah, I got it because I have a terminal illness and the day I found out was the last day of living my life in fear and the first day of my new life. Some folks are just damned stoopid...just because stupid doesn't exactly cover it.

It was probably a tattoo of something like 666...cuz that's the devil's sign. I don't see how demons eating children relates to the devil.
Yeah. Demons have nothing at all to do with the devil.
or perhaps he was a delusional man who thinks any tattoo or piercing as a symbol of Satan
It could have been a pentacle, alot of idiotic close-minded conservative christians think that they are symbols of satanism when they simply represent the joining of the physical & spiritual worlds...
Enough with the fkn Justin Bieber references. Outdated and lame.
124 - Nice try, Bieber fan!
44 - When the "god damn extremist" man gets a look at your 'poker face,' he'll be pointing and praying for you, too, nublets.
#125: I am not close minded about conservatives I just grew up around them and have come to understand their hypocritical viewpoints. I give everyone a chance until they say something to f*ck it up.
Second and happy and I disagree with #1
Oops 3
Oops suprise buttsecks
Fail. On so many levels.
If you disagree with another post, comment on it, don't start your own thread
Or started praying looking down at the devil to counteract forces
The devil walks among us! He uses!
Coulda guessed that second half.
I prefer Runnin with the Devil. Van Halen rocks m/
m/ stupid iPod
Can the moderators of FML please erase these last 3 posts I ****** up. DO IT!!!!!!!
Dance with the devil by Breaking Benjamin?
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayYeah, because anyone who watches the most popular news station in the US must be a lunatic. *eye roll*
Then CNN is likely paying Google a hefty sum. Trying to destroy the competition for ratings! Lol!
#69 everything
Most popular? That's funny man. Hilarious actually.
#48 - Most popular? That's funny. Hilarious even. FOX is a joke. Go back to sucking O'Rielly's ****.
It's true actually. Look up the ratings. And your comment about Bill O' reilly clearly shows you're not the mature enough to judge what is quality news programming and what isn't.
Fox news: rich people paying rich people to tell middle class people to blame poor people
lol praise jebus, holy goff XD
What kind of tattoo do you have?
Someone had to ask it...
Ugh, I can't believe there are still people who act like that. -_-

What the hell? Did you have a demon eating a child as a tattoo?
Laugh and tell him that your dad said he'll see him soon.