By ... - 15/04/2012 21:26 - United States - Clermont

Today, I arrived at work, only to find my computer's massive CRT monitor had been smashed up beyond belief. Everyone else has flat-screen monitors, and I'd made no secret of how unfair it is to me. According to my boss, this makes me the obvious culprit, and now I'm suspended. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 745
You deserved it 2 794

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks OP. Better than being fired though. But why would he think you would be dumb enough to break your own monitor? You would only be affecting your work ability.

The CRT monitor hater doth protest too much, methinks.


Comments are flowin by fast so im just puttin this out there im gay

Ouch..... That sucks about the blame be pointed to you since you are the only one with old equipment. FYL OP!

Maybe who ever it is will own up. Walking around with that kind of guilt is awful, but then some people are just awful.

hellbilly205 17

Like a boss That was a bad pun *crawls back under rock*

CRT's aren't bad at all besides their size. They have better color quality and any resolution is native compared to only one specified for LCD's.

Just what I was thinking. It was probably the boss getting back at you for complaining.

Someone should have been monitoring the premises.

Michael_92 20

@Pentium...idk dude. I have a 1080i crt tv and its good, colors are excellent, black is BLACK; however the LG in the living room is much much sharper. Have you seen AMOLED? That holds lots of promise in color correction problems. Only $9000 hahaha

Only penis. Commonly used when there is only one boy present in the FML. Happy to clear it up.

Haha I'm so confused, thank you both, I think?:)

relaxedninja 18

I'm sorry but I hate commenters like 1

That sucks OP. Better than being fired though. But why would he think you would be dumb enough to break your own monitor? You would only be affecting your work ability.

K_kanaka 26

Because OP's boss is either stupid or to damn lazy to look for the actual culprit.

hellbilly205 17

Or so she could get a newer one...not that it was her but that's what any boss would think.

OP should download "Boss" from the Appstore, it really helps ;)

Well OP it does kinda make sense. If OP was complaining about not getting a flat screen and OPs monitor ended up killed then you kinda begin to wonder…

Someone did you a favor and smashed it so you could get a new one. I guess they didn't think your boss would've suspected you. It makes sense that your boss would, though.

*Tries to make witty comment to start long thread and get thumbs up* Types "that sucks." Better luck next time buddy.

MrBrightside21 20

Smash somebody else's so the heat's off you.

That would make his boss think its him more

HairyPunisher 27

Yeah I can't even imagine how your plan could POSSIBLY go wrong.

MrBrightside21 20

I'm sorry guys, I'm not very good at being sarcastic... :(

ssnowywinter 0

That was not sarcasm... that was posting a dumb comment and trying to shrug it off as sarcasm

MrBrightside21 20

I'm SO totally sorry 67. If there is anything I can do to prove I am sorry, please, let me know immediately. ...better?

That would make his boss think its him more. He'd be fired

I thought it said "mother" at first... good thing it doesn't

The CRT monitor hater doth protest too much, methinks.

Yarrachel 16

Burn that ************ down

My thoughts exactly. At least his boss didn't steal his stapler too.

23 I just saw that movie for the first time yesterday, very funny stuff. Op maybe your boss just hates you, I mean you're the only one with an old ass computer. Your boss is probably looking for a reason to fire your ass.

must have been a racoon, they love junk

HayleyNicole94 0

A coon stole my iphone 4s, that aint junk niggah... That shit is expensive as ****...