By Crystal_da_thing - 29/01/2015 10:10 - Australia

Today, I got attacked by a monkey. My country isn't even supposed to have monkeys in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 722
You deserved it 2 815

Crystal_da_thing tells us more.

I'm the one who wrote the fml turns out it escaped from a traveling zoo

Top comments

See no, hear no, speak no, monkeys. Just get attacked by one.

kittykath32 22

I hope you didn't go completely bananas.


Nope. Literally first result on google when I searched "australia monkeys"

1 - for being pretty sure your pretty wrong

Actually, 1 is pretty right considering OP got attacked by one. There just isn't supposed to be lol

I'm Australian and i didn't think we had any wild monkeys

Are we sure it wasn't just a very large scorpion? Or killer koala?

They all swam away in the Great Ape Migration.

#2 said had, meaning they used to. I don't think anyone even understood what he stated.

See no, hear no, speak no, monkeys. Just get attacked by one.

I noticed you said nothing about eat no monkey

xninix_fml 36

@27 Why the **** would someone eat a monkey? :/

gemstone586 12

my dad has, unwittingly... travel in some poor countries and you'll eat a lot of strange things...

To #44 Some cultures eat monkey's brains...sounds gross to me.

TallMist 32

Suddenly reminded of Drake & Josh.

JMichael 25

They sneak over the border from time to time and attack unsuspecting bystanders.

lol you know that Australia's an island right? must've come by boat........ banana boat!

jojimugo 20

Yep! They swim from Indonesia down ro Australia :,)

kittykath32 22

I hope you didn't go completely bananas.

ThatllDoDonkey 9

You would be surprised at the things me and shrek have found in Duloc...

ShrekFromDuloc 6

I can vouch for donkey. My ass never lies ☺️

SystemofaBlink41 27
cadillacgal79 32

Duloc is.....Duloc is.....Duloc is the perrrfect PLACE!!!!!!!!

Maybe they were revolting to be allowed back in.

I guess you can never be too prepared for anything...even monkeys!