A job well done.

By belly the jelly - 30/10/2017 21:00

Today, I asked my husband to deal with the very large spider in our kitchen. Rather than a newspaper or a slipper, he went after it with an aerosol can and a lighter. The spider is now dead, but so are the wall and cupboards in my kitchen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 585
You deserved it 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, it’s nice that an effort was made, but now you—like any sane person—are wondering if that will be enough. You can always burn the rest later.

arioch_fml 20

I mean, you can't really fault him. He killed it, that's what you asked him to do. At least you know you have to do it yourself if you want it done your way.


That's what you get for not giving a man clear, step by step instructions lol!

marecu 13

I mean, it must have been cool for him? I’ve watched my dad light a wasp nest on fire. It’s just awesome

GIJoefan 6

I take it he hasn't heard about what happened to a guy who did something similar in Arizona earlier this month...

You should have been responsible and taken the spider outside. However, since you decided you wanted it dead, here you are. Enjoy. :)

I think he really hated those cupboards and this wallpaper. "Honey! I finally got rid of this ugly bubblegum...spider! Ugly spider!"

Public Service Announcement: Internet memes depicting the use of fire to eliminate spiders are intended as humorous exaggeration only. They are not an instruction manual on the proper tactics for eliminating creepy-crawlies. Dumb-ass. *The More You Know!*

I think this is the point where he has to pay to fix it...