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By Anonymous - 26/11/2023 05:00

Today, I went to my son's parent teacher conference. Imagine my shock when I found out his second grade teacher is the girl I chastised at Walmart yesterday for being covered in trashy tattoos. FML
I agree, your life sucks 78
You deserved it 1 886

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BrizBurry 10

I feel like lecturing strangers never goes well. karmic justice.

why are you chastising a grown adult over anything? not your body, not your money. tattoos clearly don't affect her ability to do her job. mind your own business


BrizBurry 10

I feel like lecturing strangers never goes well. karmic justice.

why are you chastising a grown adult over anything? not your body, not your money. tattoos clearly don't affect her ability to do her job. mind your own business

Why the hell do you care if a fellow adult has tattoos? How is that any of your business? I'd say I hope you felt some shame when you saw her and realised that just maybe you were kind of a sad excuse for a human being, but having known people like you, you probably think you're the victim in all this somehow.

kltkiara 6

I hope she’s your child’s favorite teacher 😂

Your son has my deepest sympathies he has a Karen for a mother.

KAREN ALERT!!!!! I feel sorry your kid has such an entitled bitch for a parent. so many things I want to say to you and not enough time.

L0life29 6

your just an assh*le! who the hell do you think you are to tell off someone about what’s on their body!? you holier than thou piece of trash! I hope your kids is covered in tats and piercings when they are older! Go f*ck yourself

We should chastise you for being a ******* Karen