By Weezylover - 26/05/2009 08:24 - United Kingdom

Today, my wife and I watched a documentary film about a kid living with severe asthma. In one scene, the kid has a severe asthma attack, and is rushed to hospital. My wife started laughing hysterically at this and after apologising, goes "it's just he sounded exactly like you in bed." FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 750
You deserved it 7 988

Same thing different taste

Top comments

im a big fan of people who write first when they weren't even first haha good work #2

wow #2 go to hell we can all see that your NOT 1st... and even if you were no one gives a ****. hahahahhahahaha YDI for climaxing like an asthma attack


holystudent 0

FYL, if you have asthma. YDI, if you can't control yourself during seks. I'm gonna click the second.

OP probably needs to get checked for asthma. It's a really distinctive wheezing sound, and usually that's what it signifies. Good news is, they make daily meds that control it.

Maybe you have sleep apnea? you should probably get that checked out oO

charlie2_fml 2

I think by In bed she meant when they were having sex

Marcella1016 31

I'm picturing that weird guy from Hey Arnold who always stood behind Helga breathing extra hard. If you don't know the show, look it up, and if you were born in the 80s sorry you missed your childhood :)

im a big fan of people who write first when they weren't even first haha good work #2

#2 fails. And FYL for an insensitive wife...

wow #2 go to hell we can all see that your NOT 1st... and even if you were no one gives a ****. hahahahhahahaha YDI for climaxing like an asthma attack

You must be doing something wrong in bed.