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By Anonymous - 10/05/2009 20:36 - United States

Today, I got stopped for shoplifting at a department store. They took me back to the security room and showed me the tapes. I was taking my own designer lipgloss that I had bought a month before out of my purse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 256
You deserved it 4 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so_me_fml 0

Meanwhile the kid ACTUALLY shoplifting quietly walks out the door...

What how could they do that?! I hope they let you off, because they had no proof that it wasn't already yours...


boomBOOMshake 0

Wow. That sucks. We don't care #1.

who cares if it's designer lip gloss... stop trying to show off.

ooooooooooooh 4

just because you don't care doesn't mean other people don't appreciate it. some people enjoy buying more expensive clothes to make themselves look good rather than tacky stuff from farmers or target ect.

So if it wasn't designer than OP wouldn't have been showing it off it it was any other lip gloss? OP can't take it out to use it in public without being accused of being show off? If I take out my Chapstick and use it, am I showing off my Chapstick? No, because OP can afford designer makeup, that automatically makes them a show off right? Please grow up.

aweshit 0

What how could they do that?! I hope they let you off, because they had no proof that it wasn't already yours...

Did they not watch the tapes very well?

I'm always scared that will happen to me too. I have lots of designer makeup in my bag and I never want them to search me.

lycania 0

Aw, that sucks. I hope they realized their mistake and apologized

so_me_fml 0

Meanwhile the kid ACTUALLY shoplifting quietly walks out the door...

generalsmith2 0

run. they're just rent-a-cops