Age appropriate

By Anonymous - 14/07/2020 20:01

Today, I got refused a Red Bull because I didn't have my ID on me and you have to be over 16 to legally buy one. I'm 26 and was paying for petrol for the car that I was going to drive away in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 462
You deserved it 579

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have your ID on you if you’re driving, but that situation is definitely ridiculous.

I mean, just 1 question why the hell were you driving a car without your license on you? Generally that's frowned upon.


Nhayaa 21

If you're driving, are you not supposed to have your license with you?

diraven 15

Get your caffeine from coffee like a grown-up

Way more people should have chosen YDI. Keep your ID on you. It's important if you end up hospitalized or worse.

You should have your ID on you while driving anyway. Consider your lack of Red Bull a warning. Much more lenient than if the cops pulled you over.

Not a good idea to drive without your license.