
By DamnDogs - 05/03/2012 10:28 - Canada

Today, I was woken up by my neighbour's dog losing its mind, and I remembered reading a story about someone ignoring a dog and later finding out that their car had been stolen. Paranoid, I went outside to check on mine. Nope. Just the damn dog barking at one thirty in the morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 606
You deserved it 4 072

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Checking to make sure nothing is wrong is better than not knowing at all.


Im sorry ******* autocorrect typed in HIIIIIIIIII instead out what I wanted and instead of deleting it I sent it!

Wait! Y not just look out the window or open the front door or something instead of going outside?!

You can't be to careful you know! But that sucks op, call the cops!

Why would he call the cops? Did you even read the story?

*5 min later* "Today, my car got stolen."

melibear89 7

My dog barks a lot during the night at things like deer,mountain lions,and other dogs. I read about break-ins and didn't get paranoid about them when my dog started to bark. Don't let things you read scare like that or you'll go through life being scared and paranoid about everything.

iBiteRoses 22

Can believe everything you here but if a burgular was there what would you do

bubo_fml 10

You shoulda called Caesar the Dog Whisperer to chill the bitch out!!

A dog will bbark about anything. If you're hearing it freaking out don't worry about your cat, its more likely something of a lot more value is going to be stolen. Or it could be a wild animal nearby. Or even its hearing another dog barking in the background and its joining in.