Alexa play "More than this" by Roxy Music

By bagpipesrkmywrld - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my most difficult task at work was three hole punching a 500-page document so somebody could put it in a binder on their shelf and not read it. I have a $150,000 education. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 330
You deserved it 8 045

Top comments

Leptailurus 0

Just goes to show you that an expensive education does not equal super-awesome-job. :P


Some USEFUL advice (rather than the people who are whining at the OP for whining): First, don't feel bad for wanting a different job. Throughout life people will try to bring you down to convince THEMSELVES that THEY made the right decisions in their life - that work is "supposed" to suck, and you're "supposed" to be content with being discontent. Second, see if you can't relocate. I know there are costs and fears associated with that, but if you went to college hopefully you have a network of friends you can stay with or find a company who will pay for relocation expenses. Otherwise, it may be worth it to borrow money or pay the bill yourself. I was researching unemployment rates just this week. States like MI, OR, and CA have 12% unemployment rates. The national average is 9%. Plenty of states have 6% or even 4% unemployment rates. So, the entire country isn't suffering at the same level across the board. Check the Forbes lists of best cities to get a job in, and put yourself out there. Many places are still projecting job growth and are great places to live.

coffeennicotine 0

I am so sick and tired of these college grads whining. THE ECONOMY SUCKS, deal with it. Life will get better later if you quit being an emo bitch.

See, this is what I don't get. You say your most difficult task was hole punching a 500 page document. If you meant "difficult" compared to other tasks that were easier, I see that being an FML. But if you meant "difficult" as in you actually trouble completeing the task, then YDI for not splitting up the document into smaller groups of paper and make the hole punching easier.

**** "paying your dues" and **** the "corporate ladder". YDI for getting a useless degree and getting your ass into some meaningless office job for the illusion of status and the comfort of dull gray cubicles and bland fluorescent lighting. In the "new economy", people who do things that are actually valuable (like drive trucks or fix cars or do plumbing) make more money than office drones and don't need to waste years and money on college.

depends on wat major u got cuz if its something useless then why the **** did u pay 150k? some ppl that go to college are freaken stupid lol...

megpuff 0

I agree that sucks... but at least you have a job

jnic 0

What the hell #90? I'm guessing those schools are just the obnoxious and unnecessary type that are only worth going to for if you're going to make a shitload when you get out as a neurosurgeon or lawyer. I'm in a great graphic design program at a school that costs $40,000 a year and that's definitely considered expensive around here. And about scholarships and other money being nonexistant? Maybe if you look on fastweb. But you can usually get something within your school. I'm getting a $10,000 a year merit scholarship, and I just got an e-mail half an hour ago telling me that I won an award for my portfolio that could be as much as $10,000. Without that I'd be ******... I'm getting almost nothing for financial aid even though my mom (widow for 17 years now) makes $27,000 a year. OUTSIDE OF THAT... we should consider that most really good universities have more financial aid, especially ivy league, because so many of their rich alumnis donate money. Harvard is really that much? Well, from what I've heard almost NOBODY pays the full amount, so it doesn't even matter... my best friend is going to Harvard and only pays $10,000 a year because of the obnoxiously generous financial aid he receives. Together, his parents make $100,000 a year. Not to say he doesn't deserve it, sincehe got straight A+'s and took all AP classes, but as FINANCIAL aid? Shit's crazy.

jnic 0

Oh, just kidding, #90. Knew I had no reason to believe you. puts all of those you looked up at around the same cost, but ANUALLY. Aka per year. Are you reading your information wrong? On here it says "Anually (Fall 2009)," so I guess that may be misleading to some people. It probably means the costs as they are known so far according to how things may go in the upcoming first semester.

spaektor 0

no entitlement allowed. get off your ass, 'cause in the real world, nobody gives a shit how much your education was worth. work hard, network, hone your skills, be aggressive, capitalize on opportunities.