Alexa play "More than this" by Roxy Music

By bagpipesrkmywrld - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my most difficult task at work was three hole punching a 500-page document so somebody could put it in a binder on their shelf and not read it. I have a $150,000 education. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 330
You deserved it 8 045

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Leptailurus 0

Just goes to show you that an expensive education does not equal super-awesome-job. :P


That's because college is a scam! They are businesses out to make money. A degree from a relatively inexpensive state school is just as useful as those over-priced private colleges.

Whether it was per year or per semester, add 34K (and btw, thats just flat tuition, doesn't cover housing OR books... which for U of Miami ads up to ~54K a year) means 54K equal 216,000 for a four year degree. That doesn't include any summer semesters taken either. Look who is the asshole now

Betha, not necessarily true. When companies looka t people qualified they look for experiance and where you went to school If i were in competition with someone for the same job and we both had (say) three years experiene at comparible companies with comparible tasks and they went to some random local college vs me going to a top 50 university, i would get picked before the other person. The only time where you went doesn't matter is if you have tons more real life experience. Where you go matters to a degree. Not to mention many of these top schools and private schools your slandering have a better teaching experience. They hire professors taht are more in demand. I have plenty of friends that went to local colleges before transferring to my school. All of them said the experience and education was much better, and the opportunities given at my school, were much ebtter than the local college. But tis all moot considering the Tball generation has these idealized expectations that are COMPLETELY bogus. And dont blame the older generations. I graduated before the crash and I still had to pay my dues. My father graduated WELL before the crash (we're talking what, 30 years before?) and he had to start at the bottom. Its not our fault if you have expectations that are too high. Work for your keep and be happy.

Boo ******* hoo, you have a job that isn't exactly what you wanted to do. Stop complaining about the waste of an education online and actually get a REAL job. I know it's hard, but if you're such a big boy/girl with your expensive education, I'm sure you can handle it. Suck it the **** up and stop being a whiny bitch.

that was the most difficult? sounds like a good job to me if you can just be laid back and earn easy money. dont complain

dg72592_fml 0

are you just starting out in the career world? cause then of course you're going to have an easy job at first, you have to work your way up! or if you're getting good money from this job, it sounds like a good deal to me-- do no work & get the bills. but if you're not getting paid shit and you've been in the industry for a while, fyl.

YDI for thinking that a $150,000 education is automatically gonna make you big money. Gotta work for it while you're in school, wherever you go.

Your throwing money at "education" does not imply that you worked hard at it. Also, I'll wager that all that cash came from your mommy and daddy, who payed for you to slurp beer through 6 years of college in the vain hope that you wouldn't end up as someone's bitch. Oh well.

ummm who pays 150k for college? Community college gives the same education and is like 1/5th the cost. Lol.