Alexa play "More than this" by Roxy Music

By bagpipesrkmywrld - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my most difficult task at work was three hole punching a 500-page document so somebody could put it in a binder on their shelf and not read it. I have a $150,000 education. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 330
You deserved it 8 045

Top comments

Leptailurus 0

Just goes to show you that an expensive education does not equal super-awesome-job. :P


poopie27 0
Shmoopie4 0

Oh. My. God. You have a job. That's more than many people can say these days. Get over yourself and just be happy you have employment, you primadonna.

I'm so sick of people complaining about the bitch work they have to do...Everyone has to do it at some point especially if you plan on WORKING YOUR WAY UP. You don't start off making tons of money, suck it up.

calicokitea 0

I'd be a smartass and say find another job, but I just graduated as well from a well known university, and i'm finding it rather difficult to find a job too, other than the meaningless kinds of ones. And #152, maybe this isn't the type of job that really allows you to "move up." maybe it's a filler job until she can find a real one, give people a break.

I had a job like that and I am 24.. I fianlly got a real job/.

The_Foreigner886 1

Little money is better than no money. You're lucky to have a job. I have a PhD with two other degrees - and I'm stuck working at a restaurant as a line-chef and scrubbing the bathrooms at the end of the night.

little_fuucked 0
jennyess 0

how on earth do you people think 30,000 dollars a semester for a school is expensive...i go to the University of Arizona, which is by no means a prestigious ivy league school, and guess what people, its right in between 20-30 thousand...people forget to include dorm/apartment costs, meal plans, and so on and so forth. Ivy league schools 40 thousand minimum