Alexa play "More than this" by Roxy Music

By bagpipesrkmywrld - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my most difficult task at work was three hole punching a 500-page document so somebody could put it in a binder on their shelf and not read it. I have a $150,000 education. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 330
You deserved it 8 045

Top comments

Leptailurus 0

Just goes to show you that an expensive education does not equal super-awesome-job. :P


You're complaining that your day at work was easy? Not a FML.

monkeyspeaks....those numbers are for a YEAR not a semester, you idiot!

...see kids, this is why you should major in something worthwhile.

KyleOkposofan 0

Liberal arts degree, eh op? YDI for [most likely] getting a degree which offers no real career opportunities in the real world.

To everyone complaining about "Those darned kids these days thinking their fancy college degrees will get them anywhere in life": Newsflash. You raised us to believe that. Forgive us if we are paying $150,000 for the disillusionment YOUR GENERATION instilled us with. And it's so disgusting to hear "You should have majored in something worthwhile." I'm sorry, just because someone will pay you for your degree is ass kissing doesn't make it more worthwhile than studying History, Art or English. The liberal arts have proved to be worthwhile over centuries, business was a concept created in the past decades. OP, don't fret. Money will always come eventually. In the mean time, enjoy what you can. You can't buy happiness anyway.

The real crime here is people being raised to think that the more you pay for college, the more you get paid later in life. I'm all for education, but college is put on this pedestal that, in many cases, it doesn't deserve. People go straight into college after high school with no idea of what they want to do and wind up spending ridiculous amounts of money on classes that they may or may not want to take because they never had the chance to stop and think about what was right for them. And on the flipside- to all the assholes making fun of fake degrees- I've got a Bachelors of Fine Art and have an awesome, steady job in the arts.

konstantdreamer8 0

This is why spending $150,000 dollars on an education is not worth it nor does it always pay off or matter in the end. I bet there are people who payed much less at state schools and have a better job at you. Sucks for you

thatsbull95 0

Apparently, $150,000 wasn't enough.

This is not an FML. Stop complaining, really, and just be grateful for what you have. Where's the "Stop Whining" button?

jessica87_fml 0

#90 - A semester is half a year. All those figures you gave were for a full year; I went to all the schools' websites and checked. Smith is 37k in tuition per year, not per semester.