Always keep backups

By theyrenotbitteryourebitter - 10/09/2022 18:00 - United States - Point Pleasant Beach

Today, my dream job became open at a moment when I'm looking for a change. They require video editing experience, which I have from an old position at a place known for its uncooperative and incompetent leadership. Guess which job threw all my published work into a bottomless pit when I left? FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 002
You deserved it 215

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least "Why did you leave your previous position?" will be easy


Well at least "Why did you leave your previous position?" will be easy

Too bad you don't have your bachelor's degree for that dream job because your parents told you to go to undergrad.

Sorry but you’ve just shown you don’t back your work up and for this reason you’re fired

Most employers will have a clause in their contracts stating that you’re not allowed to bring their intellectual property with you when you leave, which could be the case here. Plus even if OP had the material, they have no way of proving it was made by them during their employment with that company.

Maybe bring up that your old leadership canned everything, then suggest editing something on your own and bringing it to the interview?