Another fine mess

By oh great - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Doncaster

Today, my brother let me fly his two day-old, expensive drone. Within a minute I had crashed it into a potato field. Four hours of searching and we still haven't found it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 991
You deserved it 11 878

Top comments

It has now been claimed for the potato overlord. He is pleased with your sacrifice.


Fyl? He should be saying Fml because after putting his trust in you, you LOST his drone and he might not ever get it back. (He may not ever forgive you)

you break it you buy it . if you still can't find it go to wish. com and get him a new one every thing is a really good deal there

get another one. fly over potato field with camera pointing down. problem solved. lol

Drones have a homing device in the controller. Just push the button.

perhaps someone should have watched the flight path

Nothing can ruin brother love, right?

remind him how he should have placed a location device before flying it at all.... duh!

Rectov 10

Dude that's your own fault for not asking how to fly it