Another fine mess

By oh great - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Doncaster

Today, my brother let me fly his two day-old, expensive drone. Within a minute I had crashed it into a potato field. Four hours of searching and we still haven't found it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 991
You deserved it 11 878

Top comments

It has now been claimed for the potato overlord. He is pleased with your sacrifice.


olpally 32

Instead of going full retard, you went straight to potato, good job op. EL OH EL. Good luck finding it! :P

funneh1 21

Lmao you can do better then that. haha you had to be the first one to comment

funneh1 21

c'mon, you can do better. Lmao and yes I see you're commenting on here. You had to be the first one eh?

olpally 32

Yes, yes I ******* did^^^ lol. Bite me... :P

olpally 32

Hahahaha^^^^ the potato lives!! xD

funneh1 21

oh damn, sorry Mr. potato dude...Mrs. potato?

cj0608 3

thats racist to potatos all over the world. now you cant have french fries

Why is this voted up? Metal detectors have a pretty short range. You would see it before you got much of a hit on the detector. I could see this working in a corn field, but not a potato field. What you really need is another drone with a camera to fly over the area and conduct the search!

and then the follow up FML of that drone falling into the tater field

Just hang a huge magnet from a helicopter and fly over the field then.

PePziNL 20

51: What is this, Trollphysics?

It has now been claimed for the potato overlord. He is pleased with your sacrifice.

funneh1 21

Was it at least glorious flying it for the small amount of time you had it for? Sounds fun flying one of those.

use a tricorder. seriously though, I hope you find it :-)

How did it get that far within a minute?? That's pretty sad

drc2010 13

see what happened was the mother drone called it to the mother ship and you will never get it back because it's no longer on this planet.. aliens got it!!_?

chrisbeaudoin 26

This shouldn't be an fml it's more like fhl because you obviously didn't take no for an answer and insisted that he let you, i feel sorry for your brother, not you,

tehdarkness 21

It's hard to fly stuff! Hope you find it.