Another fine mess

By oh great - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Doncaster

Today, my brother let me fly his two day-old, expensive drone. Within a minute I had crashed it into a potato field. Four hours of searching and we still haven't found it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 991
You deserved it 11 878

Top comments

It has now been claimed for the potato overlord. He is pleased with your sacrifice.


I feel like your brother should be the one posting this

If it's expensive it should have a gps which can be used to allow it to "return to base" or simply locate it yourself

Badkarma4u 17

The rule in R/C is if he asked you to fly, it its on him. If you asked him to fly it, its on you.

This is exactly why they make "lost model alarms." It's also why beginners get to fly toy quadcopters in the living room while they learn their skills. Don't feel too bad though. I know guys that have flown for years that have lost their models in a field. :)

its a shame you dont have a drone to go find it

Looks like you're paying for a new drone for your brother.