Anyway, here's Wonderwall…

By playinmyguitar - 15/08/2009 15:02 - United States

Today, I invited everyone to a gig I'm playing at a bar. They closed it down just for me when I told them how many people were attending, and I spent all day setting it up. Turns out nobody showed up besides my mom, my dad, and 2 of my cousins. I still had to play 7 songs in front of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 103
You deserved it 7 002

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Hey, a gig is a gig. You should be grateful that they support you, because I know a hell of a lot of parents who don't support their kids who try and get into music. Also, I believe there's a moral in there about not counting your chickens before they hatch. Were you sure to get confirmation for the people you invited?

I think this is a 50/50 split of FYL and YDI. You said you invited X amount of people... you never said that all (or any) said they'd come. I can invite whoever I want all day long, but that doesn't mean they'll show. Better luck next gig!


wallythedolly 0

Were you just going off the number of people who said attending on a facebook invite or something? How did you miscalculate so badly?

Im realy sorry to hear that..if i were u i wud confront each person and ask yyyyyy???

youlose_ 0

why didn't you invite me????????

Klabauterpete 0
Cupcake10 0

put flaming bags of dog shit on the doors of everyone's flat who didn't come when their bastard ass said they would.

I guess that shows that there are only four people in your life that truly care about you. No one else does.

I feel really bad for you dude but RSVP next time.

klutzywriter 0

Some friends. I would have gone. At least you have your family's support

Sorry you got stood up, but if you're going to be a musician, take a lesson from Henry Rollins (Wiki him if you don't know who that is). When he first joined Black Flag He was pissed by the low turnout at a gig (less than 10 people IIRC) and was bitching about it. The band's founder Greg Ginn Slammed him up against the wall and told him "It doesn't matter if it's 1 guy or 1000 out there, You go out and perform your ass off for them." So only 4 people showed up, I hope you gave them your best, otherwise hang it up, you have no business being in the business.