By CassafrasSss - 02/02/2017 07:00 - United States - Naperville

Today, after months of hard work, planning, and preparation, I held the reception for my first art show at a gallery. Nobody showed up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 825
You deserved it 716

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As an art major, my heart breaks for you. Couldn't your family or friends or boy/girlfriend at least have had the decency to show up?

Marketing and Advertisement!!! It's awesome that you planned ahead and found a great venue... but if no one knows about it, no one will show up


As an art major, my heart breaks for you. Couldn't your family or friends or boy/girlfriend at least have had the decency to show up?

Did you serve free food and wine? A few people should have showed up for that!

That art degree was definitely worth it.

This is my biggest fear as an artist! I would suggest getting a few close friends and family to help you next time so you know for sure at least they will be there! I would've loved to go OP! Don't let it discourage you!

Marketing and Advertisement!!! It's awesome that you planned ahead and found a great venue... but if no one knows about it, no one will show up

Sorry to hear that OP. I would love to see your work but live in another country. If you have a link to some of your work, I'd love to see that :)

Turtleizer567 1

:( That sucks. Hang in there op. It takes awhile to start drawing crowds. Keep at it. You'll get there

jcash52426 5

I don't know much about the art business but I would think that there is a chance that will happen if your not a known art gallery person. But I agree with the other post your friend and family should have at least come to show you some support.